Self introduction

Hi. My name is Emmanuel from Ghana. I was introduced to Forex by some couple of friends back in the days. I never took it seriously. Recently, another friend expressed interest in learning the skill of trading. His desire and passion to delve into this forum inspired me. I begun to ask myself questions like: what is it about Forex trading and why were my friends introducing it to me In the first place? These questions got me thinking. So right away I started reading and researching extensively on it. Thanks to one of my friends I was introduced to Babypips forum. On this platform, I look forward to learning as much as I can in order to equip myself and help others. Talking about what I hope to achieve, I want to put myself to the test to see what I can make out of Babypips forum.

Welcome to this great education site. You have the right mindset to learn how to trade properly and proficiently. Practise and experiment on a demo account, see how it goes, and if it suits you and your lifestyle.

Best of luck.