Self introduction

I am Fahad from Tanzania, I am 25. I am newbie in babypips and fx as well. In fact, i wasn’t convinced to engage in this business as i saw many people failed and loss their many. In Tanzania, fx is considered as a worst business may be because here we still have a little knowledge in this business.
The first time i got to know about fx was in 2019 i saw my friends did this and earn money. I asked them to teach me but they didn’t accept rather they told me to pay about 1000usd for the lesson. In fact i wasn’t able to afford to pay that money.
But now I believe i get the right place for me to learn about this

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If you got internet access,you could teach yourself .Mentors can help you learn the things what you need to know .Though you need a strategy what suits your personality/ psychology, only you will find this through practicing.on demo. The amount in a live account is irrelevant if your trading it’s not profitable.So if you find a successful, consistently profitable strategy.You can make money anytime, anywhere .

Welcome! Glad you found your way here. If you need any help, don’t be afraid to ask the community. We’ll be looking forward to your progress. Enjoy your stay and good luck with your trading journey!

Welcome to the community, Fahad. It’s good that you chose to educate yourself instead. There are a lot of free resources online. There’s no need to spend to learn. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Indeed it is a tough business to crack and most people who claim to make money on social media do so by shilling poor quality courses rather than from actual trading. No need to pay here though. So just focus on learning and studying.

Hey, Fahad! I am glad that you thought of asking it here. Babypips has the best course to offer and that too for free. If you are zealous, you will have a great time learning and using your knowledge in the live market.

Hello and welcome to this amazing community! Keep learning the basics and when you are done, use them on a demo account to practice before you start risking your money.

Hi, Welcome! Nowadays it’s easier to learn by yourself, the internet is loaded with information. First step? Research and understand the market. The second step would be to practice on a demo account for a while to get familiar with the trading process. Backtest a few strategies, find your style and then enter the market. Good luck on your journey!

Hi everyone, I am Johny. Happy to be the part of this community.

Hi, welcome to the forum. You don’t really need to pay to learn forex trading. The internet is immersed with information that is free and ready to grasp. All you need to do is read books and watch YouTube channels. It’ll help you gain an overall perspective. Good luck!