Self Motivation Videos And Quotes

Could you see yourself having a firepit at your home? I think it’s really nice. Invite friends, sit with family. Look at the stars, enjoy the full moon. Maybe even some snacks and drinks.


A perfect way to relax! No phones allowed, just good company and nature.


Yup, you nailed it! Just hang out and enjoy each other’s company.

One thing I’ve notice is that the more developed a country becomes, the weaker the family values become. Maybe I’m wrong.

Think of developing countries: Haiti, Thailand, Mexico. Family values are strong. These people, generally, live together in the same house, or very close to each other. They eat dinner together, hang out together on Sundays. They talk all the time. They help one another. Of course, there are cons to people being so close together (little privacy, fighting). But if your car stalls on the side of the road, a cousin will coincidentally be there to help, before you can even make a phone call.

However, in develop countries it’s different: United States, France, Japan. They focus more on work than family. In the US, the parents ask their kids to leave once they turn 21. Then the parents move away and wonder why the kids don’t visit anymore.

In Japan, once the kids are grown, they all don’t have family dinner every Sunday. The kids pretty much have as much contact with their parents as American kids do. They’re not interested in keeping the family together. One sister lives over here, the brother lives all the way over there.

@chimmyfx @SmallPaul @Falstaff What do you think?

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30yrs ago I lived in an apartment complex and we used to sit around a store brought firepit and talked and BS from time to time, they were some fun times.

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No you’re not wrong - those of us from “the West” have also noticed that ! (or at least the thinking men have !) - The problem starts in all “Developed” societies and stems from the rise of feminism in the “Education System” - because life is so easy in our countries and we (men) have overcome all the problems of food production, housing, power generation etc, we turned our minds to domestic chores and mechanised most of them making life so much easier for women that they turned their attention to “working” and became dissatisfied with their “husbands” and started “competing” with men - demanding “Equal Pay” - and away from motherhood They took to “Voting” for anyone who promised “Affirmative action” ie promotions based on their sex at the disadvantage of Competence.

Of these “actions” - “Welfare for single mothers” and “no fault divorce” became the actions of choice for quite a lot of these women - ie “the State” replaced men as “fathers” to their children and “husbands” for themselves - in fact it was worse than that because the State then insisted that the “Father” of any child paid for the upbringing of that child and the “maintenance” of the “mother”. whether she worked or not.

Fascinating and very convoluted process which you now observe the results of - the destruction of the “nuclear” family (Nuclear in this complex meaning “family” as a nucleus of a child rearing unit)

The eventual result of the feminisation of society - is to be seen in that somewhat Ironic little song I published a dayor so ago “I am a White man and I’m Sorry”


It results in very weak “family” ties as you say - weak boys and men, entitled obese women and in honesty I’d say unhappiness for all !

Hope that helps :slightly_smiling_face:

Ps I just heard on Radio 4 that there is to be a demonstration in India tonight - of women demanding changes in their own society - so watch out mate - wherever you are - it’s coming for you too ! - You are a little better placed since you have seen it happen to us - but be vigilant mate ! :sunglasses:

PPS It’s not new ! look up Stefan Molyneux - the Fall of Rome - U tube keep deleting it but it’s so important lots of other people republish it - see how it all worked out before - scary stuff !

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In a poor developing country, you have to depend on each other more, which builds family and community, which is different from a developed country where the mindset is “I don’t need anyone, I can do it myself.”


Right. I think this comes from working so much, and the drive to accomplish more.

In some South American countries, working overtime isn’t so common. And they take ¨siesta¨-- a 3-hour break in the middle of the day, so they can return home.

In the US, Japan, etc, people just keep working. In the US, gdp would drop significantly if we suddenly started taking a 3-hour break in the middle of the day, and worked less overtime.

It gives first-world countries stronger economies, better infrastructure etc. But we sacrifice family values for it.

There are pros and cons to first-world and second-world countries. This is why expats from the US will retire in Mexico or Brazil, but still keep American citizenship.

Valid points. Feminism really went off the rails.

And the destruction of the nuclear family is undeniable. @Falstaff But what about the extended family? The sense of community? Knowing your neighbors? I think it’s more common in developing countries than developed countries.

Maybe it’s a problem more prevalent in urban settings, where people move around a lot more.


Not one person where I live knows each other directly and the only time we have gotten together to have a conversation was during a power outage or a water line break. knowing thou neighbors is a thing of the past

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Not everywhere, brother!

For me, in small towns such intimacy between neighbours is more common. Not best friends, but friendly. I think that’s sufficient.

In small towns, people are less caught up with work and stressed out. They’re friendlier and more likely to socialize.

Go to a shop in a big city: ¨What aisle is widgets?¨…¨It’s over there in aisle 7.¨

In a small town: ¨It’s over in aisle 7. I’ll show you. So, how’s your day going?..¨

I’m generalizing. I know not every interaction is so pleasant in a small town. But in small towns, I’ve noticed that people are significantly more social compared to super populated cities.

I could definitely see myself passing through several small towns for a few months at a time. Get your mobile set up ready!

@SmallPaul @Falstaff How about you?


I’m not sure what more I can say - Once the family is broken - how can it be extended ?

Boys get no role model and they’re told unendingly they’re not needed or wanted by all these loving feminists - What on earth do you expect them to do ?

“Who is John Galt”

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Looking flashy isn’t everything…

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Real T.V. is now Fake T.V., I did enjoy watching the show back in the day

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For me, these videos demonstrate that money can solve most problems, but it can’t solve everything. It can’t solve your lack of discipline/self-control. If you have no discipline, more money will only make your life derail even faster.

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Meet the 24 Year Old Who Makes $750,000 Per Week! - Day Trading Secrets to Millions

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A man who has committed a mistake and doesn’t correct it is committing another mistake.

—Confucius Kongzi

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Interesting. While studying trading, he was working for his father and earning $10k a month. Then he used that money to educate himself. So, for the two years or so that it took him to reach consistent profitability, he could have spent $100k on education (courses, etc).

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It would be insane if he did this. I understand people thinking they must spend money on courses but if people research enough they can self-educate themselves without spending any money.

I guess it would be easier to buy a course than to research and self-educate oneself

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Right. But if you’re already making $10k a month while living with your parents, why not take the fast lane? He said he was studying for about two years before reaching consistent profitability. So, that’s about $200k he earned with his father at that time.

He put half into education, and half into his trading account. He potentially put $100k into education, and started with a $100k account.

Seems smart to me. What do you think?

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Sounds like a good plan, unfortunately, most traders don’t have rich parents and can’t afford to pay for course after course.

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Yup. Be ready to pay dues to the school of hard knocks!

There’s no shortcut to profitable trading. It seems to me there are shortcuts to trading large funds, however. Prop firms and such alternatives are possibilities.

I know people have mixed feelings about them. I’m just saying that there are options out there.