Self Motivation Videos And Quotes

How to make yourself dangerous (Advice to young men)

Link is green writing:-


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Great Content :point_up:

You are the reason of your own good-luck and bad-luck; success and failure; happiness and pain. Your choices are responsible for your present. Don ’t blame someone else for your sufferings or failures.

Having nobody to blame but yourself is what kills a man so quickly.

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It is common for weak men to blame others for the problems they created

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Uncalled for

California homeowner ropes off public beach, claiming it is part of her multimillion-dollar property.


Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.

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Bruce Lee: ‘I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.’


“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

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Scammers HACKED And Confronted On CCTV Cameras


I wonder what difference this makes. Did any of these guys go to jail or what? Did ANYTHING happen to them?

No, countries don’t crack down, these scams bring in 100’s millions from Americans,

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It makes wanna finger point at Pakistan, but the US does the same thing with drugs and other contraband. We don’t stop it because it brings in too much money.

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I judged this girl completely wrong. I assumed because she was on tv, she´s pretty, she’s famous, and she’s got money, that her life was perfect. Boy was I wrong. This girl is waaaay tougher than I thought.

She’s gone through a lot of surgeries, and she carried on with the show. I would have never known.

I will add, though, that having ample financial resources sure does make recovery easier, compared to having limited funds, and all you can afford is a bad doctor. But she’s still tough for carrying on.


Insider Trading And Congress: How Lawmakers Get Rich From The Stock Market


You don’t have to spend your time and effort resisting the facts of your life. In short, once you stop wasting your time on what you can’t control, you are free to work on what you can change. The final step is to identify the problems in your life that you cannot and should not accept.

Your mindset can determine how you deal with the mishaps that occur in your life. If you focus on things you can’t control, you’ll experience unhappiness. On the other hand, if you focus only on things that are within your power, you’ll find happiness, peace, and success.

Don’t waste your time and energy on things you can’t change, and avoid ruminating about the past. You can’t control these things, so focusing your attention on other tasks and ideas is the best option.


¨Make the rest of your life the best of your life¨
-Eric Thomas




NYC at 3AM Uncut Raw Footage! - WHAT IT’S REALLY LIKE

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People usually travel to the most famous city when visiting a foreign country. And for good reason. Lots of things to see and do.

In NYC there’s the Statue of Liberty, and all that stuff.

But I would recommend a tourist, after visiting the tourist spots, to visit a place that has no tourists. Go to some kind of meeting or event that is not for tourists. You’ll have a chance to connect with that city’s people.

Sure, if you go to the tourist spots, you’re learning history and seeing great architecture. But often, you’ll only meet other tourists there.

Imagine you’ve been studying Chinese for three years. You finally get to visit China. You go to the Great Wall of China and see nothing but tourists.

As far as getting to know the Chinese, and practicing Chinese, you’d be better off going to a bar and just talking with local patrons. Or just go to a local park and talk with people just hanging out.

I guess it all depends on what you wanna do. If you’re not studying Chinese, then I guess that doesn’t matter much, huh?

But I’m sure there’s a group of people learning English somewhere in any city, and they’d be happy to hang out, practice English with you, and tell you all about life in their country.

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thanks for sharing

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I love the perspective, focused on what you can control, Thanks !

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