Self taught or a mentor?

Do you prefer to be self taught or have a website you go to or a mentor?


It’s great to explore different ways of achieving success! Whether you prefer to learn on your own or with a mentor, both approaches can be helpful. The choice between the two really depends on what works best for you and your unique learning style, goals, and resources.
Personally, I prefer to be autonomous.


Great. I am self taught but given another chance, I wish I had someone to guide me.

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Well, you don’t have to be just this or that. You can get advice from a mentor or maybe people here in order to learn, gain experience so to be more autonomous.


Being mentored


Good. If you get the right mentor, or the needed knowledge, then you will be set.


I am firmly in the autodidact camp. However, the problem with learning a new skill without some form of guidance, especially one as complex as trading, is that you simply don’t know where your efforts are best focused. You don’t know what you need to learn and you don’t know where to start.

That doesn’t necessarily mean that the mentor route is the best option either.

The problem with choosing a mentor is that, in the beginning, you just don’t know enough about trading to judge how good the mentor really is. There are a lot of bad mentors out there who may sound smart and well-informed but who really haven’t got a clue. Get involved with one of these dubious educators and it can add years to your learning curve or even kibosh your trading career altogether.

Ultimately, I would say you have to go with whatever feels right for you.




Hmm. :thinking: Although having a mentor would be nice, it’s usually to expensive for me. :sweat_smile: Being self taught is less costly and you can learn at your own pace. :sweat_smile:


I agree. I am self taught as well but I wish I had some one who could guide me when I was starting up.


Definitely. :open_mouth: I guess I was kinda lucky that the people here really helped me out and guided me when I was starting out. Although not through one-on-one mentoring sessions. :open_mouth:

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How long have you been trading? It’s been about 5 years for me.


Hmmm. It’s been a little over 3 years for me. :thinking: But I spent my 1st year on demo. :sweat_smile: I really took my time trying out different strategies. HAHA

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You’re better than me. I think I spent 3 years trying to find my way around. Hhahahah


Hahahahaha to be honest, I’m still trying to find my way around as we speak. :sweat_smile: But I’d like to think I’ve had significant progress since. :blush:


Haha, why not pay for mentors if you have the money, right? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
But honestly, I prefer to build my own knowledge. I don’t want to use pre-built guidelines that work for everyone. I believe in learning as much as I can by myself, even if it takes a lot of time or money (in Forex specially) sometimes.


In my opinion, having a mentor is crucial when starting something new. For instance, when learning a new language, it is not feasible to begin studying on your own without guidance. Similarly, having a mentor in forex trading can help you take your first few steps and provide valuable insights. Once you have a foundation, you can continue to learn and improve on your own. Best of luck on your journey!


For the life of me I cannot understand why people have such an issue with having a mentor who would cause you to spend far less time and money learning the craft. And for the record not every mentor asks for money.
I would ask the people who insist that a mentor is a waste of money why bother sending their kids to school? It would be a lot cheaper to sit them before a computer at home and learn math and everything else.


I like this. Do you use indicators or price action? I combine both. I analyze with price action, and since I’m lazy, hahaha, I use an indicator for entry signals.

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For me having been self taught, I really wish I had a mentor when I started this journey.