Self taught or a mentor?

That’s excellent! However, I believe that enlisting the help of a teacher would have significantly expedited your learning process. It’s important to note that learning Spanish on your own is quite different from starting trading on your own, and the latter can be much more complex and nuanced.


I agree that finding a good Spanish tutor could have expedited my learning process.

As you rightly point out, trading is a very complex and nuanced skill to learn. The problem, as I have said elsewhere in this thread, is not having a mentor, it’s finding a good one. From what I have seen over the last couple of years, the trading space is full of self-proclaimed experts and outright charlatans, neither of which make for good mentors.

The pertinent question is how a newbie can possibly discern between a good mentor and a good marketer perhaps?

The answer is to first equip themselves with as much free education as possible so that they have at least some frame of reference to judge whether a course someone is trying to sell them is actually worth it.

Bear in mind, without mentioning specific names, if the majority of online reviews for numerous trading courses are credible, a lot of paid courses are not even as in-depth or comprehensive as the free Babypips course for example.


Taking notes…
You are all right!
Let me share a meme as well :slight_smile:



It’s so true, I recently saw a guy on social media pumping his course. He was selling it, for a limited time of course, for just $299. For that seemingly small sum of money he was going to part with all the ‘secrets’ of making unlimited amounts of money from the foreign exchange market!

We can sit here and laugh about it because we can see straight through that sort of hustle but the sad thing is, a lot of new and aspiring traders can’t.

That’s my point about trying to learn what you can for free at the start of your journey. You don’t want to be a fish in a pool full of sharks!


For a limited time is the keyword :sweat_smile:
Glad we agree! Have a nice day!


I’m going to be honest if I had a mentor these last four or five years I would probably have learned what I learned on my own but alot quicker and more efficiently. However it is satisfying knowing that I’m starting to become a consistent trader without the help if anyone but the internet


I agree! When you use a teacher usually what you learn (they teach) is systematic. Usually we start with basics and then proceed with the rest. So, sometimes the order we learn things is important. at least, having a mentor/teacher for the beginning isn’t bad.