Semi new to forex

Hey fellow traders. I have been studying and demo trading for around 4 months now. My main focus is on 5min charts as I have lots of time to spend in front of computer and I enjoy the faster paced trading. Basically trading using price action and candlestick formations at support and resistance levels. So far it has been going up and down. Can’t seem to hone in a strategy that is gonna be profitable over the long term. Any suggestions on what I could add to charts to give more of a solid signal would be appreciated. Thanks and good luck trading

Hello and welcome to our forex community! I think you might find some scalping strategies in this forum thread Show me the money! [Daytrading]

Thanks for the info

Bob Volman has book on scalping using price action. I think I have seen a thread on here with a few contributors who are or have scalped using some of his strategies.