Not something I’ve looked into, but interesting.
Offshore incorporation can offer you some serious advantages, especially if you’re a location-independent digital nomad, You can pick the best strategic jurisdiction from which to run your business.
Thanks. I’d be glad if I get a proper tactical answer to help me avoid tx as much as possible. I do have to manage my FX trading through a corporate structure, but time by time I changed it to make it more resilient to avoid unfair issues before it happens. As a matter, even I live abroad, outside the UK for a while, but still, I’m subject to tx obligation on some countries that if I reside there beyond certain days, they impose tx based on residency days threshold. The issue is, while I’m legally avoiding tx, but any local tx office can tackle this structure and try to take me to lengthen legal battle with them, while this is time-consuming and it cause me to pay legal fees to defend my legal structure in avoiding tx, but the local tx office always in no-stop effort to change these types of legal tx avoidance to tx evasion and then impose me a local tx obligation, while this is a stressful situation, it shall be avoided in the first stage, and I’m looking for the best possible structure that can prevent the local tx office to even think about challenging my legal tx avoidance to a tx evasion in court, as if it’s done properly, the local tx office would see no chance of defeating a high profile business, thus they leave me alone.
If you are aware of a forum that can give me a tactical answer, I’m happy to have it, please?
Tnx and best of luck
IMHO what you are looking for may not be achievable. Since reading the W Hill books three decades ago (Perpetual traveller, passport report, etc), I have registered (and voluntarily liquidated) Ltd Cos in Cyprus, the UK (when I was an expat), Isle of Man and Dubai. Why did I hop around so much? Because over the years, all jurisdictions tighten up their requirements, to a long term plan that I have only ever seen benefit the jurisdiction and not the offshore companies registered there. My conclusion is that if you are not one of the top one per thousand of the richest people in the world (0.1%) you are hounded into perpetuity, if eventually. It used to be relatively simple for me in that I was going to retire in my wife’s country of birth. But that nation has now been at war for nine years, and it is not a place that I now consider suitable to retire in. So yet again, perpetual traveller is a great concept and something for younger folks. But when you get to my age, you come to thank goodness (or God) for small mercies.
So what coutry do you choose? What the easiest country for residence visa (for self employed, not for work?
When i look on singapore visa, it’s too hard. i read singapore foreign income free tax
This is something that you plan personally. Any country with low tx outside of your country of citizenship can work within some levels. Depends on many factors that are long and all need to taken into account altogether to lead a successful best possible optimum outcome.
There are one million websites that offering different services related online, but they are hard to trust as you are planning to legally reduce your tx, but they can potentially scam you.
What I’m reducing is the 20% corporate tx that is imposed in the UK as my country of citizenship. I’m enthusiastic about business and research and I chase my dreams and ambitions and do have jobs that pay my living. I just want to reduce the corporate tx as much as possible. My day jobs had me in 45% tx in the UK and I don’t want this to happen to my FX corporate tx. I do work with some solicitors and accountants that I know and their solution was the best that I found. Also, I’m open to accepting any new bulletproof idea that can eliminate the possibility of having any conflict with my country of citizenships local tx office and I do avoid the possibility that gives them the opportunity to tackle my tx planning scheme. I’m open to any scheme to clearly doesn’t give the tx man of my local tx office in the UK to start a legal battle with me, as just these legal battles are costly to defend, the cost is my very precious time it’s also limited and I shall pay for a solicitor to defend me as well. Not that they can win, but it’s my time that will be wasted in a nonsense battle for defending what I’ve done legally to avoid tx.
The thing is the more advanced the solution and more complex the scheme, while your cost remains low in maintenance and your money is in a safe place as there shall not be an opportunity not even in the worst-case scenario for the service provider to take your money and disappear, this scheme works.
The issue today is this horrible hidden agenda that leads to a Virus that takes the life of innocents and create an opportunity for Vaccination need,… that I don’t want to enter this subject, there are conspiracy theories that are true. Monkey created AIDS and Pangolin created the CoronaVirus, whats next? Are you kidding me? Do you want me to believe this baseless unscientific nonsense?
Also, this travel ban and difficulty to come back is another issue. Countries applying different lockdown rules day by day and it’s difficult to get a clear picture of this. As if you enter a country and if they put you in mandatory quarantine, you get into a 14-day on your own fund forceful stay at a hotel that the government selected with horrible customer service, and there may be a possibility for you to get Virus form someone in that quarantine hotel. The one who works in the kitchen can potentially get Virus to form an infected subject who is resident in the hotel and while they are in the incubation period, they infect you by a simple cough on your meal that served in that hotel. Unless with top contacts will give you the opportunity to avoid lockdown in guarantine.
You can be on the right path, but the thing is I don’t get if you are looking for a residency visa or work visa, and what is your overall big picture of scheme and plan? As I don’t get how do you tx plan while you get a residency visa that has not a work visa with it? In the worst-case scenario, if you get in a court with a local tx office of the country of citizenship, you can’t say that I worked in that foreign country as if your visa was a residency visa without the work allowed, you worked while you aren’t allowed to work on that visa? You may manage to use that scheme until if your local tx office gets in a legal battle with you, unless otherwise, it may works somehow until some point? But I’m looking to close every door to a possibility that I lose in a legal battle, if in an unfortunate situation, what is it happens, I shall be able to successfully clear myself, while the residency without work allowed visa can’t clear you in a legal battle with your country of citizenship.
How unfortunate as I wondered if someone knowledgeable and profitable trader enters into this thread and contributes some real deal advanced legally corporate tx avoidance and minimalization schemes, but looks like if there are profitable traders, they don’t want to discuss this here for some reasons that I don’t know for sure?
I’d be happy if you PM me if you would find real-deal information on this for bulletproof solutions for corporate also income tx minimalization and legal tx avoidance?
Tnx and best of luck