Seven figures account,anyone?

OMG, LOL, never lost a trade huh? So, you have a 100% win rate? Absolutely no losers? Sure, right, and now your a billionaire…

Most people haven’t got the patience, time or dedication required to do it, or they seek greater returns in a faster way.

That is of course a generalisation and I can’t say for certain why others choose not to but here’s my reason:
His method uses 4hour charts and you have to be at the chart at the moment the price breaks his entry point and then the trade is actively watched and managed. Unfortunately I work a day-job most of the time and therefore I cannot manage trades in this manner. Some have tried a set-and-forget approach to his method and it does still turn a profit, but it truly is minimal doing it that way.

Therefore I prefer to use methods that apply to daily charts only.

No.I am not a billionaire at all.I have self-discipline.And it took me long time to start trading live.I try to read,listen,analyse what those who have been doing it before me did right and wrong.

When i want to enter trade, i make sure that it is a good trade.I dont second-guess myself at all. Once i have a doubt about any trade, i step aside.And after giving it a second look,i am still not convinced,i pass it on.Tommorow is another day.There will always be trade tommorow and i am not competing with anybody.
I can tell tell you that there are at least 3 excellent trades to trade everyday that almost certain to result in profit.You just have to know how to detach yourself from the temptation and the emotion to trade everytime certain trades look good.

That is very commendable!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

However, I trust you will not spit the dummy when you eventually do make a loss, because it happens to everybody. :wink:

The people who hit the 7 digit numbers no longer have time for this forum and took their money to probably invest in a small/large business or something of that nature. If an active member disappears assume that’s what happened to him.

That is not necessarily true - we have had/having quite a few members who are only too keen to be here to help.
I am one of them. :slight_smile:
[B]Robert Carter (Honorary FX Member[/B]), is one who comes immediately to mind.

If an active member disappears assume that’s what happened to him

That is, of course, a very nice way of wishing a person farewell. :slight_smile:

But the truth is that most newbies have a life of approx 6 months on this forum.
They are generally not the 7 figure people. :smiley:

I have seen many disappear from this forum - a full turnover occurs approx every 6 months.
People disappear for all sorts of reasons, I believe the most frequent reason is that (sadly) of them being a failed trader.

Some members reappear again after a period of time.
The toughest members tend to stay here.

glad that you are here and helping others… i’m so sorry that i also had the same thought when traders got rich, they would not be here any more but sailing on an expensive yacht ard the world… how wrong am i!

i will defend my capital for the next 5 mths so i can break the de facto of 6mths testing… :slight_smile:

Well it says I’ve been here 3 years, and I don’t imagine I’ll ever stop popping in at least once in awhile. I see a lot of lazy people here asking lazy questions, and if I tried to help all of them I’d probably get frustrated and leave. But there’s usually a couple of new traders that seem to “get it” and it feels wrong to leave a good question unanswered.

I agree with that!! :smiley: :smiley:

But (sigh) it is a babypips forum (with school) so in my case, I have to do the repeat school teacher bit.

Nonsense, who told you that?


Don’t believe everything you hear.

I personally wouldn’t trust what he says.

Ask him to provide you with his live statement, then maybe we might believe him.

Why do you doubt it?
Don’t you think it is possible to get a 900k account by forextrading?
Or do you think the problem in getting 900k isn’t forex but it’s NickB?

I think he earnt a lot of his money trading scalp lines when the conditions were more volatile on the GBPJPY. I wouldn’t recommend trading them now, just backtest it and you’ll see.
Reversal trading is probably fine though…
…but would you trust an Aussie? oh…sorry tymen :slight_smile:
They say all the money they earn through the videos is re-invested back into the site, I’m not so sure about that (there is an old link from a few years back that said it all went to charity…so which is it ;)) but if he wants to earn money form tutorial videos then that’s his prerogative but at least be honest about it. They provide free stuff as well as this site so it’s up to you how you learn.

I think you should really be aiming for 5% per week.
Of course anything + is good but the 5% per month is really for swing traders (maybe only taking a few trades per month).

I’m hoping to make more than that form swing trading :eek:

Yo probably will. Swing trading is a bit subjective, I really meant investors looking to hold long term positions, they can’t make use of the same daily/weekly compound interest that day/swing traders utilise.

Best way to do this is to get a fund manager. Only a few good ones left like ameritrade td and monthlyreturns. Before getting strong fund managers though be sure to do ur due diligence. Obviously they are pretty hard to find and stay away from the guys who promise too high a return. If you follow these basic steps u should be good.

O and also I should ask, when do u swing trade vs any other type.

Yup…not a bad idea. As for swing vs other types.
With larger account you should do long term trading more often.
If your a scalper then you should stay away from large amounts. The idea here is to pick off little pieces of profit in VERY small portions. If you have the balls you can do it. Well.You may be a girl. so no balls.

I place my trades in the morning before work (GMT) after the asian session has finished and just as the London sesison is openieng up. Then watch them occasionally during the day and chekc them in the evening and next morning for moving stops/profit targets and closing out bad trades etc.

I survey the currency pairs on a Sunday afternoon and line up my ‘ones to watch’ for the coming week. It fits quite well with a 9-5

Well certainly I only take a small number of trades on the daily charts, so for me 5% a week is sadly out of reach.

I agree that trading lower timeframes may well increase the potential to generate profit - I see that was a question that was posed earlier. However I feel it is slightly more complicated than that so left it unanswered (sorry!).