I don�t dispute or disbelieve the fact that you, or anyone else, are able to generate consistent profits utilizing an array of additional price aids (indicators).
As my sister mentioned way back in another post, the use of your angular channel configs (Shi Channel) are actually very productive & extremely helpful in assisting traders (new & older) with entries & the management of positional plays.
As you�ve said many times yourself, (& I strongly agree) utilizing these price aids in tandem with natural & oft recurring support-resistance zones makes for a high odds, lower risk opportunity.
It�s your constant chest thumping & unnecessary stick prodding/goading that one set of utensils is ultimately more productive & superior to another that gets folks backs up & spreads discord.
It�s not a contest of who has the biggest weapon (oooooo errrrrrr missus) or who can get from A to B the quickest with most pips.
It�s about executing as safely & appropriately (according to ones preferred method) as possible under the current trading conditions.
It�s not really necessary to grab the first bunch of pips or the last bunch of pips of a move. You�re not going to get a gold star if you fail to predict the exact pippage of a move to the last decimal digit. We�re traders not psychic market readers.
If that sort of thing works for you, then great � but don�t ridicule other players because we don�t share those ideals or views.
It�s all about nurturing an attitude of respect for the market, consistent discipline & understanding the surroundings so that you can navigate these markets next year & the year after, instead of blowing up next week on rash, ill conceived risk models.
Personally I (& Tessa) feel really sad that this site has plumbed the depths of recent weeks. I�m not suggesting it�s all your fault or our fault�.there has been a clash of wills or views & outlooks & the only losers are the guys who seek guidance & advice.
I really don�t know what else to say or do to be honest. I�m pretty much ambivalent to it all. I just want the site to return to it�s previous state where exchanges & views were shared & discussed in respectful tones, regardless of who traded where & why.
Ok, back to my boring paperwork & and a sly Jack Daniels (ssssshh, don�t tell sis)