Should I continue self-education or pursue a mentor

Having a mentor would be a good start if you know one, but otherwise self learning is probably the best realization when it comes to gaining a skill.

BipsRus6988 could you share your Youtube channel so that I could learn something from you? Whether to get a mentor or not is entirely up to youā€¦as for me, I may notā€¦As long as Iā€™m profitable in the long run is importantā€¦Why waste the payment for mentor fee?

Live only bro my YouTube is simpleforexlessons

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I think itā€™s all good now

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Well given the number of years you have spent learning by yourself, and your track of success, you should know what you want and how to get itā€¦ Well looking for a mentor in this discipline is not an easy search
But I would what u new is a trading buddy, like a friend with quite much experience with market and trading psychology at large, with whom you can share ideas, do Q&A with, that will be niceā€¦
I will recommend a book for you ā€œNew Trader, Rich Trader by Steven Burnsā€

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Reading your post it comes across that your abit anxious because of your success.Everyone different just carry on what your doing.

What exactly is a mentor? Do you pay them? If itā€™s a commercial transaction then I wouldnā€™t advise it as you are already profitable - 95% traders should be asking you to be their mentor! If itā€™s someone close to you that you trust (good friend/family member) then of course, go for it! If itā€™s purely commercial then I would question why they need your money if theyā€™re such great traders. I would mentor my kids (once they were older than 25) but thatā€™s about it, other than what I chose to give away for nothing on Babypips!! But one might argue that my advice costs nothing and is worth nothing!:joy:


Yo bro you say you are consistently profitable so why do you need a mentor? Keep doing what you do, optimize and grow by your self and remeber: never change a running system :slight_smile: of course forex is a never ending lesson but as you surely saw forex has a lot to do with your own personality so better stay away from mentors, but always soak their tips if they fits you

Was wondering the same. Maybe heā€™s looking for increased profits?

@pipsRus6988 You can be my mentor!!!:+1:t2::grinning:Youā€™re making good profit there.

i will mentor you in exchange for your time, since there are roughly 8 three hour shifts per day i need covered

He is not looking for a mentor, he is looking for students to scam, he only created this thread to promote himself, he should be banned.

what am i promoting genius ive never charged for anything. stop being so afraid.

what you should fear is fear itself. thats whats stopping you from networking properly and shaving years off your trader development cycle which takes 5 to 20 years depending on how bad you want it.

absolute grabage advice. ando please stop misleading people you are exposing your current naive state. find a mentor folksā€™ its statistically your only play. i made it on my own and regret taking such a long pathā€™ i regret being so afraid of mentors when i started because a few turned out to be honest.

my fear and ego mixture made me think i could get it done in a few yearsā€™ it turned out to be 10 years of extremely hard work. i can now spot the opportunities i missed based on similarities in our systems. thats what im basing my advice on, experience. so please dont listen to people like ando and there are many threads spewing the same incorrect fear based way if thinking that will likely end in failure. as it has for those dumping this nonsenseā€™ please stop pushing this crap. its annoying

Ayo bro whatā€™s your problem? :joy: Why do you act like Iā€™m attacking you? Listen boy, I donā€™t need your acknowledge, what Iā€™m saying is what Iā€™m saying. You think you need a mentor? Hell yeah why not, Iā€™m talking about ME. And I donā€™t need any mentor. Iā€™ve finished an apprenticeship in bank and worked a few years at a bank, that was my type of mentoring.

Iā€™m constantly profitable. You donā€™t believe it? Fine, as I said before I donā€™t need your acknowledge. My bank account wonā€™t change by having you or anyone else believing me :joy:

Have a nice day tho

your advice sounds like the rest if these posers on here. thats all i can go on. but if you made it great dont mind meā€™ just watch what you say cuz theres real ones out here that will call you out. thats all