Should I open an account at hotforex?

Well mate, actually I was following this thread :wink: And yes, I went live with them and Iā€™m very happy so far.

good for you. you autotrade on zulutrade?

Eddy, are you also using zulu and follow hotforex?

my zulutrade live account is with aaafx. i had issues with slippage with another broke, untill i switched to aaafx
what about you, are you having any issues with slippage?:22:

eToro is pretty bad so I would recommend opening an account with anyone but them. HotForex is very popular and has gained popularity. You may also want to give PaxForex a look. As a matter of fact just ignore everything you read and give every broker you feel comfortable with a try. Use the minimum deposit and try it out yourself.

Yes, this is the best way, you can trade small first when you use a new broker, this is also the way to control risks.

i think you should trade small in any way :slight_smile:
risk management and control is a must in every way

If you have experience about trading and you have confidence then you may go with aleast $500.

well my friend, going with a smaller amount cant make it to cover your positions anyway!!
how do you trade on zulutrade?

Paxforex? Possibly one of the worst recommendations around.

Paxforex??? who are they? broker? iā€™ve checked them out butā€¦they all look good on paper (website for that matter)

Exactly, never heard of them so why bother investigating if they are any good. By going by their location and their budget webite I wouldnā€™t risk depositing any of my money with them!

paxforex? first time hearing of them, i donā€™t wana judge them but pax? what does i stand for? PAX?

I am not dealing in zulutrade, I donā€™t believe in auto-trade its too risky, how you manage Zulutrade and what is your past experience with it ?

very simple by testing traders and follow with low risk in turbulent markets and open up to 70-80% risk allocation when iā€™ve got more stable positions. i am doing pretty well my friend, i cant say i am a rich man (as my account is small) but i can say that i am reacher then before, thats for sure :wink:

Thanks for your feedback I will try it for sure.

go ahead and open a demo :wink: thats the best way to get to know the results as well so we can all discuss it :wink: it helps untill you get to know your own management style.

One funniest question, how can I open Zulu demo account :?

go to the site and click on the open account option - there are two big buttons saying Open Demo and Open Live account :wink:

there are only two option DemoHotForex
DemoCurrenex. how to open demo zulu ?