I learned about the Forex market through a friend that recruits people for IML. IMarkets Live provides tools & services to help traders make the right decisions in the FOREX markets. But they only provide help through a membership. I was supposed to join the group but instead decided to do my own research first.
Long story short, it’s been about five months since I learned about what Forex is and about 3 months since I opened my demo account. I feel prepared to start a live account but can’t seem to decide if it would be a better decision to join this group or to just start on my own. There is a monthly fee, but they guarantee that with their trading education you pay it off each month. I have done an EXTENSIVE amount of research from types of accounts, regulations, trading strategies, emotional involvement and so on. But research doesn’t make you an expert, I am well aware and so having guidance seems like a good idea when starting.
But at the same time, I have asked my friend certain simple questions and she has no clue what I am talking about.
Has anyone started their Live account in any group? If so, do you recommend it?
Thanks in advance!
Hi there!!! What I’ve learned so far (and I’m completely new still with trading) is that live trading vs demo is completely different!! You’ll feel the physiological toll it takes on you that you don’t experience with demo trading! All I can say is you that you’ll only learn and get better with practice on your own! Start with a low deposit and low lot trades. I only recommend this so you can get a feel of the toll it takes on you physiologically. My first live account was wiped in 36 hours cuz I got emotionally attached to my losses and started being aggressive! Good luc[quote=“andreacristina, post:1, topic:156868, full:true”]
I learned about the Forex market through a friend that recruits people for IML. IMarkets Live provides tools & services to help traders make the right decisions in the FOREX markets. But they only provide help through a membership. I was supposed to join the group but instead decided to do my own research first.
Long story short, it’s been about five months since I learned about what Forex is and about 3 months since I opened my demo account. I feel prepared to start a live account but can’t seem to decide if it would be a better decision to join this group or to just start on my own. There is a monthly fee, but they guarantee that with their trading education you pay it off each month. I have done an EXTENSIVE amount of research from types of accounts, regulations, trading strategies, emotional involvement and so on. But research doesn’t make you an expert, I am well aware and so having guidance seems like a good idea when starting.
But at the same time, I have asked my friend certain simple questions and she has no clue what I am talking about.
Has anyone started their Live account in any group? If so, do you recommend it?
Thanks in advance!
k tho and put your emotions aside on every trade!!!
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I see, this is your 1st post! Have you open this ID only for asking this question? Please, don’t mind.
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No. I’ve been using babypips for a while now. I just decided to create an account yesterday.
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honestly, IML is straight up network marketing. Most of the people in IML make money based on their referrals and not necessarily their trading. There are some mentors that are in IML that are very helpful to their team, so it really depends on who you sign up under. If mostly everyone on their team has had success, then their training must be really good. Or you can just choose to learn on your own with trial and error.
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Yeah. That’s the vibe I got when I was introduced to IML. I’m glad I decided to do my own research first. Thanks for the reply! I will be opening my Live account very soon.
No! I will be starting alone!
Too many cooks spoil the broth. Every person is different from both physically and emotionally. If you want to learn trading, learn by yourself. A mentor can be a good option but finding a good mentor is not easy.
Wow, that’s great! Keep studying, BabyPips School is the best! Besides, old threads of this forum are also useful to learn technical & fundamental analysis.
This is interesting to read about as I have just left IML after a year of not learning very much and moved here!
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I was wondering how did you do with your live account so far?
Yea, i’m sure it depends on your sponsor and team. Believe it or not, I’ve met sooo many traders online that are self-taught. Of course you can talk to mentors, read books, do anything you can to better your craft. It’s not just all about technical or fundamental analysis, but psychological too. Eat healthy, meditate, work out, etc! There are a lot of factors that will play into your success as a trader, but just as long as you’re consistent with learning then you will eventually figure things out. The more I examine the charts, the easier it becomes and the more things start to make sense.
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I was never in IML, but I’ve met people that are in IML
And what was or is, there opinion of it?
I mentioned this in another post I believe. It depends on who your sponsor is really and what they have to offer. Some people sign up and get no type of help or training, and some other people get help from who they sign up under. One guy I met says the training is helpful to him and that they receive trading signals from expert traders, daily analysis, etc. If you’re the type of person that wants to learn with a mentor or team then give it a try for maybe a month and see how you feel.
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Thanks for the reply. I did it for a year but didn’t find it all that useful. I am now in a breakaway group with a very good charter as a mentor.