Should I stick to less pairs?

Lately been trading my mean reversion strategy with every pair that has my setup and it’s gone terribly.

How many pairs are you usually trading at a time?

I literally have the trading view watch list with 21 pairs and I just go over each and see if there is a opportunity on any of them if there is I blue mark it and wait for the entry. :confused:

I think it might depend on a few factors, if you’re still just starting out, then sticking to maybe 4-6 pairs might be better till you get a feel for things. If you’ve been trading longer, and the strategy has worked in the past, but only recently stopped working, then it might be worth taking a look at the strategy itself, and why it might not be working out. Maybe there are some macro economic factors that are messing with it for example, or maybe it’s better suited for a sub-set of pairs, eg GBP crosses, or something like that.

Sticking to fewer currency pairs can be beneficial, especially for beginners. It allows for better focus, in-depth understanding of specific pairs, and effective risk management. Over time, as you gain experience, you can gradually expand the number of pairs you trade based on your comfort level and evolving trading strategy.

welcome to the forum!

sorry to hear it - not astonished, though: there’s a reason so many textbooks (in great contrast to online sources of “information”) refer to that as the “mean reversion trap”

the commonest problem is that by the time the price “reverts” to the mean of whatever indicator you use, the indicator itself has moved so far (as they do, since prices form them) that the trade is still in heavy loss … and then some systems further compound the damage by adding to losing positions! all to be avoided, in principle, really … :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

it’s not really about “how many pairs”

i wish you better luck with a different approach! :wink:

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

This ought to be the take-away from the thread (but it probably won’t be?).

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real strategy can fit any pair ,if you pick on the weak pair ,you’ll start things all over again once the pair’s property changed.

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Would it be smart to pick a few non correlated currency pairs to start with. Like 2 or 3?

On how many pairs are you using this strategy? How is it performing?

Yes, absolutely.

The market, in general is correlated to some degree. You’ll notice that when there is a strong move with one pair, the same move will happen with most other pairs. This is why you tend to see nice setups on multiple pairs all at the same time.

Sort your pairs into their respective countries and don’t open 2 pairs within the same country. And never open 2 or more trades at the same time. Space them out throughout the day/week because if you’re wrong, you’re likely wrong on all pairs. And you have to focus more on being wrong than being right. It comes down to how much are you willing to lose, not how much you want to win.

Here’s an example of how I sort my pairs:

Good luck!