The idea is simple: put together freshest Forex signals, market triggers, news and events. Choose currency pair you’re interested in and get latest thoughts on it. Updates every 3 minutes. Data taken from XML/RSS, and Html pages(by scraping).
I spent 4 days on it during weekends. The implementation is quite raw, but enough for prototype quality, I hope so. Next things to do: gather & combine order book data, linkback signals sources, add more data sources, then… I dunno yet, so please use feedback form on the site if you have an idea.
You have produced an impressive amount of work with only 4 days of work. But I haven’t the faintest idea what the signals mean, especially since the trust level is low for all of them. You need more explanation and perhaps a performance tracking history chart.
Being an IT guy, you might appreciate this article about developing trading signal software.
Signals parsed from around the Web. Not my signals at all(in future may be I’ll post some signals of my own (but now my software generates only 2-3 signals per month with a little profit on backtesting). Within next few days sources will be shown.
The idea behind the project is to show trend sentiments extracted not from market itself(by tech analysis) but around the Web. In future it should be good addition to the market analysis.