Signal Services

Hi everyone,

I am wondering who is using signal services here?

I am flooded with those providers on Telegram.

I feel often that I am too late to copy their trades. I believe because of any internet connection delays.

Would love to hear your opinion about the use of signal providers?

I am thinking to use them when the price of placing a trade is still good + I will place my own trades.


Hi Michael,

Using signal services can be helpful, but it’s important to approach them with caution. It’s wise to consider factors such as the reliability of the provider, the consistency of their track record, and the potential delays in executing the trades. Combining signals with your own analysis and strategies can be a prudent approach to improve your overall trading decisions. Always ensure that you thoroughly understand the risks and implications before following any signals.

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I’m not aware that any real traders use other traders signals. If you can’t make your own signals with your own strategies you probably shouldn’t be trading (or gambling)