Signals: Live or Automated

I have been practicing for a quite a long time on demo accounts but still find it difficult to make money in forex. Sorting through so much information and then put it profitably to work for me is very time consuming. I want to know if it is a good idea to start trading with signals from outside source. This will save me time to find out what caused some trade profitable and some other unprofitable. And once I feel like I understand forex to trade at least a cpouple pairs of currencies, I will trade with out outside help.

If you suggest outside source, which one is that? Is there someone in babypips community whom I can copy and trade?

With regards,


forget about copying. it’s a waste of money, time and brain cells.
you have time and a brain like all of us, so use it productively.

how long have you been on demo? are you sure you did and learned everything you could before/while you traded demo?
you should give enough time for progress. as we all know, success does not come easily.
the harder the endeavor, the more effort and commitment you have to exert to reach success.

Forex IS time consuming. Learning everything there is to know properly takes years, I’d advice you to keep practicing, keep reading and keep focused.

If you decide to use a copy trade system you’ll never truly learn what you need to know about Forex, you need to start with a demo account and try different things out, even then you won’t fully be ready for the real live environment of Forex trading and the various emotions that come with, but it’ll be a step in the right direction.

Thank you for your comments and advice.

for me i prefer trading manual than automated :slight_smile:

The “main weapon” when usin signal provider is consistency. We will see they run their system on steady consistent. And we can find they sometime win, loss another. If dont believe, we can proof that by making their performance (weekly or monthly) and will see that the “main weapon” i said before.
Same case with EA (automated), we will see the “main weapon” is consistency.

So, why not keep practice our own system with their “main weapon”?? I think we will learn lot from that way.
Me too, still a “baby” on fx. But thats why i join on, who will feed a “baby” with “healthy food” :slight_smile: