Signatures? Do they work?

I tried adding a signature to my profile but do not see any evidence they display. Am I missing something?

Yes…your signature…lol…we’re all missing them. Something to do with “links” abuse I believe.


That’s a shame. Why not disallow links altogether but give us our sigs? Shouldn’t be hard…

It’s easy enough to slap a signature on the bottom of your post — whenever the urge strikes you.


You have to get off the porch, and into the tall grass, if you want to run with the big dogs.

Yep. I think signatures do work in here. In fact, you can put signatures whenever you want. I think you’re pertaining to URL’s. Well, that i don’t know.

Well, I put a signature in for myself and can preview it in the user control panel - and I have it enabled for all my posts - but it does not display at all here in the forums.

Same for me, they disappeared some time ago. Still miss them.

It’s sad that so many restrictions are imposed.

This function has been removed.

You don’t need a signature if you can post it in your comment area.

That’s not quite the same as having it there by default, which is far better.

~ John (Merchantprince)

[I]“Nobody can be exactly like me. Even I have trouble doing it.”[/I]