Simple & almost naked. The dream date or the dream system?

That would be great!

I think this is a good system, if we coukd get the indicator to draw the lines acording to Blizard we can uae human judgement to do the rest.

And i did those trades while tired and fluey so i think this is a great system, i think ill just be using ura now blizzard thanks!!

Thats great to hear Sandybeach. I suggest trading either 2am-6am or 8am-12pm EST (or both) for the best movements. You can easily grind out 20-30 pips daily.

Here is another trade later in the day.

Here i the other EUR/USD trade that went for 25 pips in the afternoon.


Thanks Blizzard, just in the last hour i have been watching 5 currency pairs, and its easy to watch them all now with such a simple system.

Plus from what i can see providing we follow your rules, avoid major news, common sense stuff the drawdown is low, none of my trades i tested today which is about 6 went below -10 pips before i stopped them at +2 pips.

Out of interest Blizzard how much does this system provide you in % return per month. It does seem if you work hard at this with sensible money management you could do well as it does seem you can trade this pair at any time, day or night providing you trade the right pairs for the right markets :slight_smile:

Year your times are about right, i would love to be a full time trader, and i figured trading 0700 - 1700 would be the best times for EUR/USD. But well i think i’ll just practice for now, but i think your system with a few EA’s suggested from other posts might work very well !

Im just stunned at how simple this is and how it just works lol. You should trademark this strategy as I-Trade. Just as it is as simple as something apple would create lol.


Oh Blizard i haven’t noticed but do you have an exit strategy or recommended best time to exit the trade?

By the way i have tried out many strategy’s here on babypips but after working all day i have made too many mistakes with them to trade live even though they are very easy. Im sure many traders would agree don’t trade when your tired or can’t concentrate!

I do like :slight_smile:

Do you (Blizard) or anyone else use this on the higher timeframes from 1min and does it give the same results as 1min, it looks like it does, just be nice to confirm it.


I have been trading this system with success for approx 60 days now. I initial started with the minBars at the original 2 setting but i would get caught and faked out plenty maybe 4-6 months back. With the usual trader mentality of cutting profits short and thinking a losing trade will reverse, it was a recipe for disaster.

Over the past 1-2 months I have changed the minBars setting to 3 or 4 for the best possible entries and this has finally showed some positive results for me. I would say 5-10% months is very doable. I think there is still room for improvement, maybe letting the initial breakout go and waiting for the pull back at the 50-61% fib level etc. This may allow for an extremely tight stop loss but would require more patience. Any suggestions on TP would be appreciated.


Thanks, 5-10% is fine for me :slight_smile: for such a simple system. Also do you find it works well if the market is ranging and trending? I know most strategies are suited to only one such environment?

in ranging, you trade the bounces off of the trend. In trending, trade the breaks. I like trading the 1 minute for this reason. it usually breaks the trend every time. Although the market is range bound, on the one min chart, you will still get nice breaks.

Thanks Blizard, that makes sense, just as i am quite inexperience in trading do you have a graphic example of the ranging type you mention? I think all the others shown so far are trending?

But just to confirm i have seen a few more trades this evening which would of been profitable using your system. But naturally that doesn’t mean i ignore the news :wink: Out of interest what do you think your total % profit increase has been over the last 60 days if you don’t mind me asking?


Watching with interest from the shadows.

How is everyone else getting on with this system?

only one trade today on eurusd, +17.4 pips
i have to work i don’t have time to trade!!! damn :smiley: :smiley:

Nice trade this morning!

i saw this one too, pity i can’t work and trade ! Blizard do you trade full time at the moment ?

Yes, im fortunate enough to be in-front of the screen for 4-6 hours.

Another quick 15 pips.

I do hope to be able to do the same one day !!

You know your system is the only one i have felt very comfortable with and am quite confident. Just saw another trade setup now :slight_smile: Got to give it to you, its nice and simple :slight_smile:

Glad to hear its starting to work for you!

Yep definetly i am only going for literally 2/3 pips at the moment but over time i’ll get more comfortable ang see the signs to get the 15-20 pup range lol

I felt ao comfortable i was considering going live but i know deep down im not ready yet so i just need to get myself prepared for live :slight_smile: