Singaporean Merger to Increase Blockchain Awareness

Singapore has formed a new industry group called Blockchain Association Singapore (BAS) that intends to promote crypto blockchain as a whole. This happened after two existing entities merged - the Blockchain, Enterprise and Scalable Technologies (BEST) and the Singapore Blockchain Association (SBA).

The new group has stated that its main goal is to push development of new and already existing blockchain companies.

Chia, the former SBA chairman, made the following statement:

Singapore has become a burgeoning hub for blockchain and there is a need for an industry push to facilitate and encourage the development of new and existing players in this space. I am confident that the establishment of [the] Blockchain Association Singapore will add more vibrancy and support to the current ecosystem while providing guidance for enterprises who are keen to adopt blockchain solutions .,”

Singapore is practically embracing cryptocurrencies, I wonder whether others will do the same.