Situation in Syria effect on the trade opening

Hi, a new trading week opens in a few hours and i was wondering if anyone has a guess as to how the situation in Syria is going to effect the pair both for the second of opening (an upward/downward pick) and also for the rest of the trading week.
USA is getting involved and chances are high that it is going towards a war. how would such war effect the pair? will it weekend the dollar causing the pair to rise? maybe the opposite? or maybe you think that it shouldn’t have any effect? (what happened in past events of war like Libya etc.)


Who give a sh!t? People are dying, innocent children are being gassed and the world’s falling apart. Sometimes we need to be human and stop thinking about money.

I couldn’t agree more. its a horrible situation but please dont judge me without knowing me.
the money i’m earning trading is used for good causes. to help poor people and animals.
my friend, if the only people who gets reach will continue to be only evil people - we will all be in trouble.
me, i realized that i need to make money cause without money you cant change anything or help anyone in a large scale.

Dude you can get rich trading off trading job numbers, the words of Mario Dragi or whether or not the Miami Heat wins this year. Why even bring up the subject of Syria when looking for advice on how to enter a trade? It’s just a sad view on the entire situation.

[QUOTE=“kremerint;522631”]Hi, a new trading week opens in a few hours and i was wondering if anyone has a guess as to how the situation in Syria is going to effect the pair both for the second of opening (an upward/downward pick) and also for the rest of the trading week.
USA is getting involved and chances are high that it is going towards a war. how would such war effect the pair? will it weekend the dollar causing the pair to rise? maybe the opposite? or maybe you think that it shouldn’t have any effect? (what happened in past events of war like Libya etc.)


What pair are you talking about…?

If that’s your attitude then why are you even here? It is our job to make money and though forex is how we do it. This means trading every situation no matter what. Everything that happens no matter how bad will present a opportunity to make money. If you feel so badly about it maybe give some of your profits to red cross or something if that buys you peace of mind :wink:

I have been thinking about the exact same thing. Yesterday the Euro seemed to fall as the DAX fell even despite good fundamentals released out of Germany during the European session, however the USD fell when their markets opened as well making up for the fall in the euro putting it back where it should have been plus a little extra (im guessing from the good fundamentals from Germany) The Asian market has reported losses as well. I think as each market opened they each fell but then rallied as other markets opened and did just as badly in fear of the conflict. Price of gold has gone up as investors moved their money into the gold safe haven breaking the psychological resistance level of 1400. If the price of gold continues to go up this may help the AUD out however the AUD may need a bit more then rising gold prices to stage a recovery.

I am however a very inexperienced trader but that is what I have been able to piece together so far. Does anyone else have any thoughts on this? Because its all the talk in the markets at the moment!!

Anyone got any thoughts on how it may effect EUR/USD in particular?

I was talking about the the USD/JPY