Slightly brain dead!

Good afternoon everyone. I came across this very helpful site last week. I am just starting out and reading, watching and consuming! But now feel I need focus! Anyone ever done any of the paid courses? Like Asia Forex Mentor? I quite like his style and videos and feel I need to go through a structured course. Be great to hear how other people started out learning?

Hi! I actually learned through this site and on YouTube. I found a lot of traders I liked and subscribed to them. I would also comb the internet and check out various sites to learn more about certain topics when I needed to.

Be careful with mentors, a lot of them are just failed traders looking to make a quick buck off you. There are some good ones out there, but honestly, the internet is filled with information and if you do enough research I don’t see the point in paying for a mentor. If you do decide to, just be sure to do a lot of research before you give them any money!

I agree with @HeavenRobinson. Why not go through free resources first and see how that works for you. Save that money for when you’re ready to trade.


Thank you so much. I think what I need to do is focus better. At the moment im trying to take into much on to many different platforms. I will keep doing the baby pips course and take your advice on youtube!

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100% Pipsology!!! Not only is it free, it’s an amazing resource!

I think when we’re excited to try something new, we look for stuff we can spend our money on lol. I do that with every new hobby I start. They’re super unnecessary and I 100% could do it without any of the tools I bought but it feels motivating to buy stuff or in this case pay for a mentor. You think you need structure etc. But @HeavenRobinson and @zianfx is right, try using the free resources first and if you find that they’re still not enough then you can look into getting a mentor. :slight_smile:

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