Slow Learner And would love to be tutor and mentored please 🙏

Have post here once when I introduced myself… I’m from Nigeria… Im still studying in university.

But please all the Traders in the room… I’m really pleading :pleading_face::pray: for just one thing which is having someone with more experience to pick me along… I really wanna learn forex… please I just need someone to pick me along and train me… I’m still a teenager 19 yrs and I really wanna learn from the basic… Steady… please I just need someone please… Thanks for taking your time to read my post :pray:… If it’s about the price I would really pay… The struggle and the hardwork… I’m ready to work hard, grind harder and follow your guidelines please :pray::pray:…

Hi and welcome,
As a student you should be used to seeking out sources of information for yourself, and doing some critical thinking. After all, that is the objective of a higher education. Please think about doing these things before asking for a tutor or mentor.

1 What would the tutor at your university say to you. Have you asked him / her?
2 Go to the School of Pipsology at this link and start from Kindergarten and read / answer the quizzes. Learn How to Trade the Markets .If anything does not make sense, try finding an answer in a search engine (Google). If, after trying for 15 minutes, you can’t find the answer, post a question on this forum.
3 Use the magnifying glass next to your avatar at the top right side of screen to search for any topic that may interest you about Forex (eg trading styles) to find hundreds of past member posts on every topic you can imagine.

I hope this has got you off on the right foot. Nobody needs a mentor or a tutor to study Forex. As long as you can read English to a high school level, and you can add up a column of numbers, you will do as well as anyone else who puts in the same effort to learning this fascinating subject.

1 Like

I think as a newbie you can find a lot of learn9ng material over youtube and can learn by yourself. But also if you are interested to pay for someone for learning you can find many and can learn forex from them.

Make a good plan to make money from this market.

Never in a month of Sundays would I recommend paying money for a mentor.

Lots of free content on YouTube man - I recommend that you have a look on there and back test on Trading View.

Any Particular YouTubers Trader to recommend

I am not “recommending” this Youtube trader because his strategy may not align with yours, whether you already have one, or whether you will develop one with further knowledge.

Suffice it to say that I have spent over 100 hours on this guy’s content and my current trading plan is based 100% on what I have learned from him. I first started “trading” in 1988. This is my “trend following Forex trading plan”. And so that you understand the context of this post, this is not the only trading plan I have. And Forex trading is not the only financial pursuit I have. This strategy and plan is intended to contribute about 10% to our overall life plan for wealth and income.

Sir can I start watching the video from the time he posted first video which is about 3 years now from the basics… I love the content he shared on his channel…

Yes, absolutely. I recommend you watch these in parallel to the School of Pipsology in the education section. To save you some time, it was a month before I found that link to the videos in the proper order. Below is a list of the first few, generally in order, of which I documented about 150 to watch. I am 95% finished with those now, but four months later than I had planned for completion of my trading plan based on all his content. The tabular formatting is retained in this copy/paste from MS Word, and the links to the videos too. The formatting fails towards the end but this should get you off to a great start.

Be prepared to put the hours in. Creating my 95 pages of plan notes was a mammoth task. I have rarely spent so much time in the past on any other topic. Perhaps my 6 week classroom course for MCSE qualification in year 1999 over the space of 3 months was more effort, but that guaranteed me a $100K+ per year primary income. This doesn’t guarantee me any income at all but I am a great believer that when you put in the work, you reap the rewards.

The sections referred to below are from an Appendix to my Plan document, and I split these up into sections A thru N so that I could actually track progress of these. It is known as a WBS or work breakdown structure.

Section C - Cool Stuff

Episode Content URL Duration (minutes)
C1 Forex psychology book. Interview With VP (No Nonsense Forex) - The Game Is Beatable! Part 2 (16) Interview With VP (No Nonsense Forex) - The Game Is Beatable! Part 2 - YouTube 60
C2 Conversations with VP - Daily FX IG VP from No Nonsense Forex on his Trading Strategy - YouTube 38
C3 Cambro conversations CamBro Conversations #38 Avoiding Scams and Learning how to start Fx Trading with No Nonsense Forex - YouTube 45
C4 The 240K Youtube channel Podcast Episode 2: The 240k+ Forex Youtube Channel + Future of NFTs! - YouTube 53
C5 Not another Trading Pod - YouTube 70
C6 Kitco The psychology of trading; why some succeed where others fail - YouTube 29
Total Total estimated time is 295 minutes (5 hours) 295

Section D - Estimate the duration for your own plan and schedule.

Episode Content URL Duration (minutes)
D1 Estimate the duration of all content n/a 60
D2 Add to it the School of Pipsology from Appendix 3 Forex 101 n/a 60
D3 Make an estimated part time curriculum of study and other plan items assuming an 8 hour week. That is made up of 2 x 1 hour session for 4 days per week or 2 x 4 hour sessions on the weekend, but not both. n/a 60
D4 Break this up into full time classroom sessions and determine how that could be rolled out as online or classroom training. n/a 60
Total Total estimated time is 240 minutes (4 hours) 240

Section E - Watch Episodes E0 thru E2, then E3 thru E13 of the Podcast.

A total of 6 hours in 14 x 15-minute episodes plus 1 x 1hr

Episode Content URL Duration (minutes)
E0 You better know me Episode 0 - The Forex Podcast That's Changing Everything. - YouTube 14
E1 Top 4 questions I get Top 4 Questions I Get as a Pro Forex Trader (Podcast Episode 1) - YouTube 19
E2 Where is the best place to learn Forex trading? Where Is The Best Place To Learn Forex Trading? (Podcast Episode 2) - YouTube 12
E3 Which timeframe gives the best results? Which Time Frame In Forex Gives You The Best Results? (Podcast Episode 3) - YouTube 15
E4 How many pairs should you trade? How Many Currency Pairs Should You Trade? (Podcast Episode 4) - YouTube 15
E5 How much money do you need to trade Forex professionally? How Much Money Do You Need To Trade Forex Professionally? (Podcast Episode 5) - YouTube 15
E6 How long should you demo trade? How Long To Demo Trade Forex? (Podcast Episode 6) - YouTube 15
E7 What equipment do I need to trade Forex? What Equipment Do I need To Trade Forex? (Podcast Episode 7) - YouTube 15
E8 Where do I set my leverage? Leverage and Margin in Forex Trading (Podcast Episode 8) - YouTube 12
E9 Should I pay for indicators? Including blog post. Should I Buy Forex Indicators? (Podcast Episode 9) - YouTube

Are Paid Forex Indicators Worth it? (Podcast Episode 9) (|14

|E10|Best Forex Trading broker||15|
|E11|Journalling Done Right = $$ - part of G7||15|
|E12|Is Forex recession-proof?||17|
|E13|Trading Psychology - 3 things you must have to go Pro 16 minutes||16|
|E (aside).|Ray Dalio book - Principles video 1 hr 6 min

Or 30 minutes 8 episodes|

Principles For Success by Ray Dalio (In 30 Minutes) - YouTube|66

|Total||Total estimated time is 300 minutes (5 hours)|350|


Thanks you sir