Some help please

Hey Traders, can someone please tell me whats EA?.

It depends on what the context is Despicable

There are a number of meanings within the financial world that use EA here is a short list of some of them:

Economic Analysis
Expert Advisor
External Affairs
Economic Affairs
European Co-Operation for Accreditation
Estimated Average

and so on.

So EA really relates to the context with which you want to understand it.

However, I suspect the context in which you have seen EA maybe to do with a trading platform in which case it is most likely to be an Expert Advisor.

Hope this is helpful.

Hope you are talking about Expert Advisors. That is more on to automated trading. Gooogle Expet Advisors. You can get tons of ideas from there.

Of course it is Expert Advisor - but be careful with automated trading - it is very risky!

Thanks for the reply guys, sorry for the noob question .