What is the best time to buy/sell? I ask this because i live in NYC… I don’t have a computer so i use the library computers. They at 8am Monday - Thursday. and Friday at 10am.
I do have liteforex account with only $25. So please all reply
Things start to pick up around London open but that’s before the library opens.
haven’t tried the signals, I’d be interested to see what kind of results come from that.
I don’t want to sound too skeptical, but you most likely are going to get wiped out of your $25 momentarily.
LiteForex account minimum purchase size is 10,000 lot. With maximum leverage of 1:500 it would require margin of $20 to keep your position open, leaving you with only $5 dollars for market swings. Assuming you trade EUR/USD with pip value at this point $1 it will only require 5 pips trigger margin call (of course i’m not talking about spread, you actual pip move would be =to minus spread, so if spread is 1 pip…you only are left with 4 pips) . Market moves in average about 80 pips so it would only require 6.25% of market daily flactuation to margin call you. Then your position will be closed automatically and you are going to be left only with $20 which is losing 20% of you account value instantaneously. Please read through school of pipsology specially on money management and margin calls… It would save you a lot of disappointment and heartbreak in a long run. Insufficient capitalization of the trading account is how the most of the beginner traders get wiped out. You are getting involved with 100% of your trading account into single trade. Pro traders try to stay at 2% to 3%. See the difference
if you only have $25 use Oanda, there you can trade a single unit. I satred there with $50 and trade half a micro lot. less than that now. You are going to loose your first $25, as a beginner, expect it.
and if you can’t afford to toss $25 in the trash can and walk away from it, then get a job first and save some to play with.
I understand what your saying, But miy was different, you see two weeks ago i open up an liteforex real forex account with only $24, within 7 days i made $110. ,from the signals that i was getting from auottradingfx. , buy/sell,but then i notice somthing, i started seeing buy/buy thats what went wrong, you see you was told that for every buy there is a sell, Thats true because thats what i was doing at first… thats how i made $110 in 7 days. then i buy/buy and i still hade $110 in my account, but there was also a nagative $23,so i close the nagative $23, so yes my account went down, then the next day another buy/buy again my account went down, so i search until i found a better more profilable forex signals service, then i found babypips.com. I was told that i am a good forex trader, ijust needed a very profitable forex signal provider. So i was that babypips isthe one. and from the looks of things babypips is the one. So really i do know how to made small money become big returns, i mean where can you find a system that can turn $24 into $110 within 7 days.there is no such thing, it depends on how good you trade in the forex market. I mean i literlly turn $24 into $110 within 7 days, so yoursaying that am not a good forex trader as a beginner???
I thought it depends on how or where you get your forex signals from??? So yes im sticking with my $25 and from the looks of babypips.com i seen nothing but very very goods responses when it come down to Forex profits…
thanks again your right. Also do you see what some of these people are saying??? There are trying to tell that as a beginner i should just move away from the forex market and move awat from babypips.com. Are they stupid (LOL). Form now on i will be asking you questions becuase your forex pips are very profitable and you know are stuff, and also i can see that you are a professional forex trader… So what are some of these people trying to tell me??? From now on only listen to you ( The Forex Pro) is that cool with you.??
firstly you need more money in yor account ,otherwise you will get a margin call, secondly you need more money in your account and finally you need lots more money in your accout…
LOL, where did you get that from… my sister started with a liteforex (Lite account with only $14 today makes 7 months, she already has $2,300, so please tell me where you get that from???
but then of course she only trade Monday, wednesday 0.1 only with 1-2 trades:D:D
$25 is plenty to start with if you use Oanda, all you have to do is size your lot accordingly. you can trade as little as $1 and the margin on that is only pennies. It will let you get the feel of trading real money without risking a huge amount. I startes with $50 and right now trading $200 lot size so one pip is worth 2 cents. So if I hit a 20 pip stop loss I only loose 40 cents. I’m a beginner too and that’s the best way to start with real money because you will loose some. also you should use a good charting software, I use a metatrader demo account from FXCM it’s free and doesn’t expire and has better charting features than my Oanda real money account.
so don’t let anyone tell you $25 isn’t enough to start with, it’s all based on percentages. Risk only what you can afford to loose, Don’t risk 2500 if you can only afford 25
I’m not familiar with Liteforex, I’ll have to check it out.
That is completely wrong! How much money you have in your account has nothing to do with getting a margin call. Margin calls are caused by risking too much, not by having too small of a balance.
You can open an account at Oanda with $1, risk a reasonable percentage per trade, and never come close to a margin call.
Spend some time learning about the business your getting involved in and you will find out what sort of starting balance you need once you have worked out what you want to get out of it.
Theres no such thing as a free lunch, you have to put the time and effort in.
so where is your $110 now,…lost it all i take it…so yeah your not a good trader yet, get practising and learning and only when you know all the answers to your own questions will you start making headway…First, you have to overcome your initial exciting of forex - just turn that into enthusiasm
While I don’t think using a signal service is a good way to trade , or that it makes you a good trader, I do applaud you going live with small account.
The hardest, but quickest way to learn how to fight, is to actually fight, not spar, not shadow box, actually fight and get whacked in the nose a few times.
Enough times of that and you either learn lessons quick, or decide fighting isn’t for you.
I wish you luck I really do, but more likely what will happen is that you will probably make some nice wins and then blow your account.
That will actually be a good thing because you will become consious of the fact that you need to learn some more.