Hey greetings folks, this updated site is definitely very good; much more useful still than the last.
I post recent trading research here from time to time so here is another one.
I found the St Deviation indicator to be quite a useful tool. if you look at the change in the StDev from the close of one period to another in any time frame, it is usually a very good predictor of how the StDev will change (i.e higher or lower) in the next bar
The ‘autocorrelations’ then are very good; a change in StDev above 0.0003 on the H1 candle on USDCAD for example 2010-2015 gives an above 84% probability that the next candle will close with a higher StDev still.
Looking at the formula for StDev, you can make inferences on what that means for the PA and where the next bar should close in the current time frame.
For example, if i take the 0.0003 as an indicator that the StDev on the next time interval will be higher. Let us say I am doing the StDev calculation looking back 9 bars for the SMA in this case.
So looking at the formula I see that 8 of the values for the stdev calculation will be the same on the next bar. Only the 9th (or earliest) bar will leave and a new bar will be introduced to replace it. Therefore if the price on the current bar closed up and is above the SMA say, then i can say that:
- if the distance from the close price to the SMA on the 9th bar going out, is higher than the distance of the current bar close price to the SMA - then the only way the stdev can increase is if the close price on the next (future) bar is higher still than the current close price. Therefore there is a 84% probability the future bar will close up above the current close price.
I found that you can pull the data for the change in stdev and the relative distances to the SMA (or SMMA,EMA etc) of the bar going out and the current bar to find an edge configuration of those two variables for each time frame on an instrument. You can also look back 5 - 14 bars to get more signals on each time frame.
A simple stats arb that works very well.
I’ll try to post some results when the current set finally come through. The current EA looks back 5 - 14 Bars on M15 - H4 for each pair. So the multi-time frame means that it takes ages to get feedback on a simple 1 and half year test on a new data set.