<<<SpartaTek9>>***New Young Male Student***

Hi Everyone, :20:

   I'm from Norwalk, CT-USA. I am a newbie, just taking baby steps to becoming a great Day Trader.

I love Technology & I manage a Cellular Communication Store, but I want more out of life…I’m willing & capable of learning. My greatest appetite is "Obtaining Greater Knowledge & Wisdom."I will always be a student…Because learning is an endless trade/Quality. Love & Blessings.:42::53:

Greetings SpartaTek9 and welcome to the forum community! Looks like you have the right attitude to tackle a skill as difficult as forex trading. It’ll help you stay persistent with learning the right things and with gaining experience in the markets. Good luck buddy and don’t forget to check out the School of Pipsology if you’re brand new to trading!