Speed of order execution suddenly slower?

Hello everybody,

i have a question to order execution speed-since several days i have the impression, that the order execution is longer-today before noon it took sometimes 2 seconds,untill the order was closed. As i am practicing scalping i lost each successful trade a good portion of possible profit.

Is it possible,that the broker changes “just for me” the order execution because he sees i am sometimes successful scalping?

How long should the order execution be, under normal circumstances? (I know and i experienced it already, that sometimes it takes longer when there are news releases which push up the volatility, i mean normal day)

Could it be a technical problem with my computer?

Thanks a standard lot!

your router has ping sync issues if it didnt get reset for a while. reset your router and see if it changes. if it doesnt change to the better come back and post again.

yes it is

Usually, it should be instant half a second or less
generally as soon as you press the mouse button, it should happen

yes it could (and i’m an I.T. Expert)
but, this also gives the broker an excuse to play games with you

talk like
Maybe you have a slow CPU
maybe not enough RAM
Maybe it’s data collission’s
maybe it’s a problem on the Application layer or the Presentation layer of the OSI Model hehe

and Maybe… the broker is just FULL OF SHYTE , how about that as an idea

Now. it is a legitimate argument to say that your computer may be at fault
as well as your internet connection and the stability of your line and that of your ISP

but these things can be proven or disproven if a person knows how
i had a broker that did this
my current broker does not
and my trades execute immediately

every now and then (maybe once every 4 months or so. a trade may take up to 2 seconds
hey… it’s a fill issue, but i’m not fussed, because it’s not frequent

does this answer your questioni

Thanks a lot, this is a helpful answer! Maybe it is better to take a really first class broker who is long in the business

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IMO forex execution should last not longer than 200 ms under normal market conditions. Of course if you trade bigger lots (let’s more than 5 lots per trade) execution could be slower also without market turbulence.
However in your case I believe that your account has been flagged from your broker (if market maker) or from the broker’s liquidities providers (if STP/DMA broker). After all no LP or market maker will let you be successful in log term specially if you are scalping. They will most probably consider it as market abuse or arbitrage attempt or something like that, meaning you are most probably switched to manual execution or you are simply getting some sh*tty pricing/delays. In any case nothing that you haven’t agreed in the Client agreement which you sign upon account opening.

Of course it could also easily be just a technical issue with your computer :smiley:


i was just about to say that

Data Collision’s will cause your computer to execute trades slower… certainly
High Resistance on your Internet line will cause this
if your hard Drive has errors and perhaps has Mainboard errors or Delayed Write Errors this can also happen.

Another one is Your RAM, if it’s faulty or not enough RAM

My first advice for troubleshooting your computer is this

Open Cmd Shell (Assuming you have Windows)
type in sfc/scannow
this is the system file Checker Utility that is built into windows it will check the integrity of the File structure and file System in your computer

Beyond this… you can do system optimization, there are many softwares, but here is a free one that has proven to stand the test of time

google it
download it

yes … it looks like a scammy indian bloke… 100% hehe
but , Nah… it’s cool
it’s safe and it’s been used by Techs all over… you can trust it

let that thing clean out your system and see if there is a difference

Run Checkdisk
don’t worry about disk Defrag because Diskmax does all that anyway.

then see how your system is running

then to test your internet connection
open command prompt
type this in

ping www.google.com.au -t

let it run for around 2 minutes and take note of the TIME=00ms

Ensure that the Time (Ping Time) does not exceed 150ms
it’s best if it’s under 100
but if ti’s over 500ms THIS IS DEFINITELY A PROBLEM
and if it keeps dropping out, it’s also a problem

also do a speedtest on speedtest.net to check the internet connection speed

you see, a High Ping Time means YOU HAVE RESISTANCE ON YOUR LINE and you need to approach your ISP

you need to check the following

TELL THEM “Please check if my PROFILE is Optimized” they’ll understand even if you don’t
you might find that all of a sudden your internet gets faster (if it does… YOU’RE WELCOME) HEHE

Trick of the trade guys,
god knows how many times i’ve gone out and been told “The Telstra guy came out 5 times and still can’t find what’s wrong”

it’s that he DOESN’T WANT TO FIND IT… because it means he keeps coming back and making money , because technically the profile is the responsibility of the Manilla staff, not the Sydney Techs

beyond that, it would be a physical problem on the line , so let them troubleshoot it if need be

let me know how it goes

Thanks again for these detailed informations, i just cleaned my laptop a little bit (hard disk spy ware…), but it was not enough-so next thing i do is to put a new windows version on then lap, i have still a lot of sh…t in the system, than i am going to work out your advices! But honestly speaking, i really have the impression that thy did something with my account-but we will see after the complete cleaning

If you’re using a counterparty market-maker as a broker, it’s a lot more than just “possible”.

Look at it from their perspective: you’re scalping them, not scalping the market. How long are they going to let you take their money before laying off all your positions? That’s bound to slow your trading down.

Scalping and retail forex trading against a counterparty don’t fit together. Most people who try to do it are big losers anyway, but if you’re consistently good at it, obviously they have to take measures against you. What measures they take varies a lot from broker to broker, but anyone who’s worked for a broker will tell you the same thing: they obviously won’t lose money to you indefinitely. And if you look like a “possible hazard” to them, they’ll certainly err on the side of doing something about it.

The key message to you is to understand that what you’re thinking of as a “broker” isn’t really a broker at all - it’s a counterparty.

Sorry to be telling you this so long after you asked, but I’ve only just seen the thread, and am surprised and honestly disappointed not to find this simple and inevitable reality mentioned among the technical mumbo-jumbo above.

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As so often, Lukas said just above all you really need to know, on this subject. :sunglasses:

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Good afternoon, happy trading is going on…, for example thats my trading report from today until now-do you think that such a record is a reason for the broker to mark my account as “dangerous”? (I am still in market, but i often have rows of up to 10-15 consecutive winners when i concentrate on trading) i mean i do not think that this is so good to make the broker nervous and mark the account to slow down closing because i could earn in future too much money or maybe yes?

Ha, ha, ha not enough that they slow down the order execution- after the
Fed Rate news at 19:00 today suddenly the connection is so bad, that you cant trade anymore-please have a look at the pic-with other brokers on MT4 there is no connection problem- i would say they manipulate the account definetly yes

Though I am not an expert, from my personal experience I can say that both can be possible. If your trading platform is providing you customized trading facilities then you can ask for changing execution speed for you. Or it may be the case that there is some technical problems in your computer. first do check your computer. Then try to talk with the broker,

I think there are many reason why trader execution being slower, like as internet connection speed, make sure you having fast internet connection, and also quality server broker which sometime giving problem to speed of execution, and also might computer being low responding

Hi @Kashmaster…I don’t trust the Brokers as far as I can throw’em, but the erratic platform behaviour is most probably down to traffic on the Broker’s server at the time of any major News… sort of like a mini DOS (Denial of Service) error that takes out big website servers in times of major traffic…say Boxing Day online Sales etc…

The Fed Rate announcement was anticipated as a Major Market mover as it has global ramifications, so all institutions would have been sitting with a finger on the button so to speak…

It would be a good opportunity to have the insto’s orders jump the retail queue…

Hope this is of some help…

Well,thanks, i think i´d better change to the other broker where the execution is normal and there where no such connection problems during news release. I mean if i work on the same laptop, and one broker has on MT4 execution speed of prox.1,8-2 seconds average and the other broker on his MT4 only 1 second it cant be the fault of the laptop. They have slightly higher spreads, but i will see if they do the same (slower speed, funny connection problems…) after they recognized my trading style

And again the same problem 20 minutes ago, i am very angry with them and thats the end of this account:
i stuck in a long position EUR/USD, after the news release at 9:30 EUR went down, wanted to close trade-ha,ha,ha suddenly connection interuption and the screen stuck at a price 1,5134.

I opened another MT4 Trader on my laptop to check the actual price, no connection problem with this broker and i saw that EUR went up to 1,5650

I changed back to screen of my broker MT4 where the screen still stuck at 1,5134,closed the trade because i thought i get the "real"price actually at 1,5650, but they closed the trade at the “stuck screen price” a minute ago at 1,5134

Is this normal ???

I think thats it with this broker


It’s not the amounts of money that are the primary concern (contrary to what one might expect): it’s the pattern and style of trading.

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