i was just about to say that
Data Collision’s will cause your computer to execute trades slower… certainly
High Resistance on your Internet line will cause this
if your hard Drive has errors and perhaps has Mainboard errors or Delayed Write Errors this can also happen.
Another one is Your RAM, if it’s faulty or not enough RAM
My first advice for troubleshooting your computer is this
Open Cmd Shell (Assuming you have Windows)
type in sfc/scannow
this is the system file Checker Utility that is built into windows it will check the integrity of the File structure and file System in your computer
Beyond this… you can do system optimization, there are many softwares, but here is a free one that has proven to stand the test of time
google it
download it
yes … it looks like a scammy indian bloke… 100% hehe
but , Nah… it’s cool
it’s safe and it’s been used by Techs all over… you can trust it
let that thing clean out your system and see if there is a difference
Run Checkdisk
don’t worry about disk Defrag because Diskmax does all that anyway.
then see how your system is running
then to test your internet connection
open command prompt
type this in
ping www.google.com.au -t
let it run for around 2 minutes and take note of the TIME=00ms
Ensure that the Time (Ping Time) does not exceed 150ms
it’s best if it’s under 100
but if ti’s over 500ms THIS IS DEFINITELY A PROBLEM
and if it keeps dropping out, it’s also a problem
also do a speedtest on speedtest.net to check the internet connection speed
you see, a High Ping Time means YOU HAVE RESISTANCE ON YOUR LINE and you need to approach your ISP
you need to check the following
TELL THEM “Please check if my PROFILE is Optimized” they’ll understand even if you don’t
you might find that all of a sudden your internet gets faster (if it does… YOU’RE WELCOME) HEHE
Trick of the trade guys,
god knows how many times i’ve gone out and been told “The Telstra guy came out 5 times and still can’t find what’s wrong”
it’s that he DOESN’T WANT TO FIND IT… because it means he keeps coming back and making money , because technically the profile is the responsibility of the Manilla staff, not the Sydney Techs
beyond that, it would be a physical problem on the line , so let them troubleshoot it if need be
let me know how it goes