Hello Guys
I am a begginer in this field (2 months), I started by learning the fundemantals of crypto and understaing the technechal tearms (market cap, ico, ido,… etc) of this domain. The strategy that I decided to work with is “Spotting hidden gems” which means short tearm trading, and fixed my profit rate at x3. The crieterias that I check for picking a coin are the following:
1- Market cap.
2- Project Idea
3- Team behind it
4- Amount of holders
But until now it’s all loss, I didn’t reach my goal and the closest rate of profit I achieved is x1.
I wanna know what I’m I doing wrong ! is there anything else I need to check ? and also, I saw alot of coins that do x100, x200 and they were only meme coins! they have only telegram channels and no purpose at all and people make a fortune on those ! I see them only chatting and the price of the coin go boom ! how does that wok ? should go into those kind of coins as well ?
Ps: sorry if i throwed alot of random infos on you, I’m a bit fraustrated and hope that you can help me gus