I have just be a member at Twitter, and have notis some acters who show signal based on SSI INDICATOR. I find it online. But not for MT4. Is this indicator avable for MT4 and is there something I should know about the installation about this? Many thank
@U9917067, did you do a search in the metatrader marketplace?
I did find the FXCM Speculative Sentiment Index (SSI) . Who are the official distributer of the ondicator. And inform it work on metatrader4. But it is wrong. It only work on MT5. I have not tried it, but it will only open om MT5. Not MT4
@U9917067, Is this what you are looking for?
That is that one. But I can not make it work on metatrader4
When you select it from the the custom indicators tab and the ssi lite dialog box appears you have to check the box “Allow DLL imports”
This allows the information the indicator is based on to be imported and shown as the SSI ratio.
Good luck,
Not only direct unvizard . Then I learn something new today. Thank you very much
I looked for the SSI indicator and I have found a lot to read on it, but all of it is not in relation with MT4. I don’t think that this indicator is for helping you with trading on MT4. In my suggestion read more about it as I found SSI indicator quite a helpful thing to consider.