Start learning to code

I have recently found someone who gives us a start in leaning to code - using an Arduino - which you may have heard of as “Raspberry Pi” - He starts from a place I can follow and progresses introducing a little at a time - using a simple kit to produce results - you can start to learn to code and a little about electronics at the same time. I have not bought the kit and you don’t need to for the first one or two - but I have enough components around the place to mean I only have to buy the breadboard and a few led’s and resistors plus the arduino - total outlay less than £30 !

Since the programming language and principles are real ( a simplified version of C I believe) - those of us who are completely phased by “How to get started with coding” instructions elsewhere - can now get a basic understanding and move in whatever direction we choose from there (including of course - coding our own trading systems)

I highly recommend you watch the first one and the link is the green writing below ;


The kit he speaks of is no longer available - and amazon gives several alternatives - this kit will probably be adequate - and I will probably buy one - but most likely I will buy the slightly more expensive one at £59.99 - You will need to find an equivalent in Amazon in your own country - but I still suggest you watch the tutorial as you don’t need aything at all to understand the basic concept of Programming !


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I have not tried but anothetr source says you can get free access to an arduino simulator programme here !

So even without money you can now have access to a starting process - !

All the Best


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