Start to trade with demo account

Hello all,
It is great pleasure to be part of this forum.
by the way, I am newbie, how can I start trade with demo account coz I know nothing; and I could not find my country in drop down list of country section. Could anyone here advice me on how to include my country in trading list? so I can start to open the demo account? I am from Timor-Leste.

Thank you,

A small tip. Study for a bit how the market works before diving into the demo otherwise there is a risk it will turn into a game. About he demo account, google forex MT4 demo and you will probably find dozens of brokers. Any broker would be good as it is just for practice.

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That’s true, agree.

One more thing: when you are ready to run demo account search for a broker who offers free demo accounts. I heard that not all the brokers offer free demo accounts.

Since you are here I would recommend you to sign up for Baby Pips course and start learning.
After you finish the course than I guaranty you that you will know how everything works and how to open a demo account.

I joined BabyPips as i wanted to brush up my knowledge and also i wanted to be able to Interact with my fellow traders as this will give me an opportunity to build on my strengths :slight_smile: