Starting capital

Hi, I have already mentioned that I am new to trading. I have a question that I think can be answered here, because I don’t have much information about it yet.

Since I am a student, so I don’t have a job yet, I don’t have a super large starting capital. I planned to start a trading account with a capital of 100 euros. Is this a good idea or not?


Not advised unless you can trade micro or nano lots, and can afford to lose your 100 Euros. Better to be patient and open a demo account first, and practice while saving.

Invariable, over 75% of newbie traders lose their money - see the broker’s risk statement that Forex is a high risk trade. Therefore, whatever you choose, only risk 1% - 2% of your capital per trade, no more.


I will suggest you start with the minimum amount, and the amount which you can afford to loose because the market is unpredictable.

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The good thing about Forex Trading is that you don’t actually need much money to get started, in fact, you can start with no money at all with a Free Demo Account. Some Live Trading Accounts require a minimum of $5 deposit but as you can probably imagine, there is not much you can do with this amount of money.
If you’re new to Forex Trading, then instead of putting money into an account straight away you can instead open a free demo account which requires no deposit at all. You will get access to the same markets and the same trading tools so instead of jumping in and risk losing your money you can first familiarise yourself with the platform and the tools available.
Once you have more Knowledge on Forex Trading and you understand how to place trades and how to manage your risk, then you will be ready to open a live trading account.
If you are sticking to some risk management rules, most traders suggest risking no more than 1% of your account on any given trade.


Its a little low but the thing that i would say is you seem very new and the best thing is to demo trade until youre really happy with your strategy. Then you can go live. You may have more money then too to add to your bank. But as youve asked about 100euro its low youd need leverage of over 500:1 and your margin of error is low. You would have to be particularly skilled in position size and risk management

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As a beginner, starting with 100 euros in not bad at all, this way you’ll be keeping risk low and that’s something that I would suggest you too. However don’t expect that you’ll be able to pocket a good return on that sum. Good returns would happen with good capital, so as of now focus on experience and you’ll be able to grow your account too .

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Hello! Thank you for your answer!

In any case, it was my intention to start with a demo account on Trading 212 (have you experience with this site, opinions?).

The problem is that I am a student and still live at home. That is why it would not be possible to start with a capital of, for example, 1000 euros. I do not have that much money myself and my parents do not intend to give it to me so that I can trade with it. I certainly wouldn’t want to lose it and then have to tell my parents afterwards …

I plan to expand my knowledge of trading even further in the coming months before I actually start trading :). Maybe then I can expand my starting capital to 200, 300 euros, but it won’t be much more …

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Isn’t that just the point? Trying to figure out patterns so that we can make a profit? :slight_smile:

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Until you have a consistently profitable record on demo, do not run a live account, no matter how small.

When you start up your live account, your financial ambition should be wealth in a given future year, not income Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday etc. etc. Ignore the amount and focus on percentage increase. Trade with the largest account capital you can afford to run without making any withdrawals to cover your living expenses.


Thank you for your answer and advice. Really helpful!

I believe the best capital to start is start with something one can afford to lose. be it $100 or $1000.


So it is possible to get started with a capital of 100 euros?


Yes of course - many brokers would accept a starting capital of 100 euros and give you 500-1 leverage. Mainly because it’s almost certain that 75% of people would lose it all. That’s great odds for them when they take the trade deal on their behalf.

Remember, Forex trading needs a buyer AND a seller, and your broker would be only too happy to oppose you.

And if you try it out, you’ll learn the hard way - just make sure you can afford to lose your 100 Euros before going live.

Best of luck.


Yes, it is possible if you use a micro account and trade micro lots. You’ll lose that money in less than 3 days if you over trade.


This is key!

A big mistake that most of the traders make is over trading and they need to avoid it at all costs.

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yeah right but there are many factors involved when comes to trading. you can open a demo account and can practice there first and you will get to know many thing plus it will help to improve your skills.

Yes, you can surely start with 100Euros. Good amount to start with. Happy trading,friend :slight_smile:

You could definitely start with 100 euros. My only advice would be to set realistic profit goals. Last thing you want to do is start forcing trades.

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It seems good to start with 100 Euros seeing your living conditions. Trade on micro lots, make strong bets and avoid over trading.

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