State of The Markets | Markets Cautious As Equities Hit All Time High


Markets cautious as equities hit all time high. Major global equities indexes hit an all time high on Thursday as US and China data showed a global recovery is underway. Dow (+0.90%) breached 34,000 mark while S&P500 (+1.11%) on 4,170 points for the first time in history, as FTSE100 (+0.63%) and Nikkei (+0.40%) near their all time high. The benchmark US 10Y yield fell to the lowest in 5 weeks, circa 1.58%, as cautious investors run to the safety of bonds and precious metals.

Crude advanced higher to $63.50/bl as optimism returned that demand will overpower supply as global recovery picked-up. Speculators were seen on heavy shorts with more than $200 million worth of block orders, as price hit the $63 – 63.50 range. Concerns on rising inflation saw gold broke the $1,750 barrier and closed above $1762, the highest level in six weeks.

In the FX space, the cautious tone is evident as safe haven Swiss and Yen continue to dominate the demand territories, despite the jump in demand for Aussie and Kiwi. King Dollar retreated in the long and medium term accounts but seen in demand for the short term at the support of Loonie. Euro and Sterling remains in a tug of war as optimism returned, at least for now

OUR PICK – No new pick

No new pick going into weekend. With cryptos becoming the new cash, asset rotation is no longer following the traditional model in our observation. Equities liquidation saw modest flows to bonds, precious metals and even cash, as most have flowed to Bitcoin and other cryptos as the new asset class. Categorize as currency at one point by CME, but now back to equity under alternative investment, Bitcoin will become as liquid as cash when investors can use it to pay for Tesla products at some point. That is why today, better than estimates economic data, before and in the future, may not translate much into higher cash index as investors have other channels for assets flow.

Trades updates: MRO remains active and stop remains at $11.80, Crude didn’t play out as we had expected but heavy selling interest was seen in the $63-63.50 range, EUR/JPY has reached medium term TP1 and we have exited our position, SIRI remains active, we have re-entered USD/CHF around 0.92 with new stop at 0.9170, and we remain bullish APA.

GODSpeed and have a wonderful weekend.

HORIZON 16042021


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