Stocks and shares

What I learn in the School of Pipsology - Learn Forex, will I be able to use that to invest in Stocks and Shares like on the website etoro? Just am curious.

Hi Damouk,

I believe so. That is why I strongly recommend the School of Pipsology to newcomers and seasoned traders. It is the basic education and it is very comprehensive.

So did you understand the difference between trading and investment? My opinion is the only difference is the time horizon. My trading horizon is “an hour up to three months”, and my investment horizon is “a month to a lifetime and beyond”… After over 50 years in the game, my concentration is now mostly on inter-generational wealth continuity. Food for thought, especially for young people (those under 40 :slight_smile:

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Probably you have the chance of shifting even though I am not sure at all.

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Although I am starting when I’m over 40, I want to use it to get a nice retirement and/or be wealthy. But I’m also interested in it. I know I’m late in my years to start, but better than never!

Now this is long-term investing.

I have no children to consider with regards my finances but plenty of investors do. when most of them say “long-term investing” they are talking about paying for a few nicer holidays while the kids are growing up, perhaps a first hatch-back, possibly even financing university. All this is maybe 3-10 years out.

Its disappointing they’re not even thinking about preparing financially for their children’s lives - as adults.

So far I know the trading pattern in stock market is somewhat different from forex market even though I am not a well-known person at all.

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