Student from namibia, southern africa

JOSIA haipinge (civil engineering student)from namibia, southern africa. just finished the theoretical part of babypips today, and am planing on opening a demo account soon. am hoping to perfect my skills im yet to develop and at the end of the day…live my dream lifestyle


Welcome to Babypips. I’m from the Pacific. Hope you enjoy it here.

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I’ll like to welcome you too in this great community

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Hi all! KamatikoMkwambi’s here all the way from Namibia, Southern Africa. I was introduce to babypips by a friend of mine and am looking forward to interact with fellow traders who are eager to make a living out of FX…

Welcome to the forum. Hope you will leaner trading soon.

Welcome to the community, @laudika. Opening a demo account is the ideal thing to do. This way you do away with real money losses while you’re still learning. Good luck.