Student Introduction

hello, My name is Christian I’m new here and hope to grow with the community.

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Welcome to babypips @Christiancastor! Which country are you from?

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Welcome, study hard!

Welcome to the community, Christian! I’m sure you will enjoy and learn so much from all the free resources here. Good luck!

Welcooome! :blush: Have you started with the school here? :smiley: If you ever have any questions or if there’s anything confusing to you in the lessons, don’t be shy to just ask away. :smiley: I’m sure the nice people here will try to help out. :blush: Good luuuck!

I’m from Nigeria , how about you ?

Hey … thanks
I’ve finished the course since tho … just decided to join the community and analyze together

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Thanks bro

That’s greaaat! :blush: Any plans to start a trading journal? :smiley: Good luck on your trading! :blush:

Been on that too

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Niceee! :blush: Looks like you’re well on your way. :smiley: Wish you all the best! And if you ever need any help or assistance, maybe we can help. :blush:

What’s a good Nigerian phrase/greeting you think we should learn? :slight_smile:

Welcome to the community, Christian. How has your learning been so far? Hope to hear more from you.

Hey Christian! Hope you’re still here! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any help.