Subscribing on news platforms

Hi Everyone

I would like to ask about subscribing on news platforms. I’ve noticed professional traders they get news before the time on the event and it is advantageous on decision making

My question is that do I need to subscribe to news platforms to get news before time

Being aware of news can be beneficial and can help you predict market. Also, if you use fundamental analysis you should be aware of the news. I use Forexfactory app and Bloomberg.

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Well @Oli_jackson is right. but that decision is up to you. In case you wanted to check news you can use this list of websites for stock market news and analysis:


It depends on you and the strategy and methods you use. If you don’t need news and you don’t rely on them, then why would you need to subscribe to news platform?

It depends on your strategy. For example if you’re a news trader for sure you need to follow news.

I’m not sure they get the news ahead of time through the news platforms. :sweat_smile: I think that by subscribing, you get access to the LATEST happenings, but I don’t think you get to hear about them before they’re officially released. :open_mouth:

What kind of news are you interested in?

I’m using fundamentals to trade and I frequently use Daily Fx, Fx Street and Babypips

Yea, all good sources. Have you tried any TA based trading? I think understanding FA and TA and using both in trading is the best of both worlds.

Well, getting first-hand news is impossible. Accessing the most recent information would therefore be optimal. None of the news sources make the claim that they convey breaking news immediately; they merely assert that they do so most quickly.

Accessing to the latest news the most optimal. Also, the news can affect market from a few minutes to several days or even weeks. So, you don’t need to hear them barehanded, because the effect will last and you can seek your opportunity.

Hello Nathi!
I think it is illegal and unreal at the same time (at least for us, not blue-blooded ones!)
I think you can use different sources to just be aware of major and crucial news, since if you want to be a fundamental trader you need to spend a lot of time on books, forums, and websites!
Just find a good source to follow the news to react to them if it is necessary unless do not search for what news source makes you aware before releasing the news ?!
Best Luck/

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