Suggestion and help are most welcome

hi iam bobby new to forex started demo few months ago …but gonna start live soon but still looking a good broker and still testing my system to trade with on demo i will post my system soon …any suggestion about brokers and systems would be really apericiated.thanx:23::23:

hi bobby,
have you purchased a online forex robot or planning to buy one? do remember one thing bobby, that there is nothing like good or bad broker in the market. bad and good word in this sector are just personal experience and marketing hype and nothing else. please spend a few hours on regular basis over the concept of forex tarding and the changing trends of this business, you will do it by your self and if still feeling confused, then pleas stay in touch with me.

I am looking for website whose guide to me for marketing tips… Give Me Some Ideas or

Send Me Some Website Links… Could anyone please tell me

Really depends what you are after from the broker as well as the platform.

It’s a good idea to search around and start some demo accounts to get accustomed to those that you are interested in. From there, you can pick and choose which broker is best for you…