Sunday Breakout Strategy

I’ve written one for Ninjatrader, works well (apart from some crazy Ninjatrader issues). I posted backtest results eariler.

I don’t use MT, but the system itself is so simple that I think most people wouldn’t worry about an EA.

I dont keep a trade record myself (although i should start to). Basically this system relies on the fewer big wins to outperform the more regular small losses which is exactly what has been happening. so if you start trading it be prepared to take a few losses first & be patient, i took about 6 losses before a win, with the average loss being about 30-60 & the average win being 200-250

So we have had a couple of wins in a row. Does this mean next week wont be a win? Even knowing that the chance of winning is the same each week doesnt help the feeling that next week wont be as profitable.

I reckon Phil’s inbox must be flooded with emails by now!

Maybe with the last few wins he’s taken a holiday :smiley:

Hey Guys, I’m really sorry (since I’m sure the answer is in this thread somewhere), but from what candle does Phil mean? Is it the candle that closed at 20:00 or the candle that opened at 20:00?
Makes a huge difference in where to put the entries…

If someone could clarify this for me I’d be forever grateful :slight_smile:


Hey Blomstergutt,

It’s the candle that opens around 20:00 and closes at midnight.

Hey Matt :slight_smile: Thanks a million. Makes a world of difference. And thanks for the quick answer!

Good luck Today if you trade it :slight_smile:

On My chart

Long Entry :1.6527 , SL:1.6486 TP:1.6751
Short Entry :1.6476 SL:1.6517 TP:1.6252


Short Triggerred.

this week’s with middle candles removed…

Should the short entry be a sell stop or a sell limit?

As the short price was below the current price I thought it should be a sell stop but when I entered the trigger price, SL and TP (not too disimilar to yours) got an invalid TP/SL messge using MT4 on IBFX? :confused:

Cprao, My open and close of the sunday candle was really different then what you have here. I had a high of 1.6547 and low of 1.6527.:confused::confused:
Most of the time I’m only off a pip or 2 of what you all post here.
My buy = 1.6557
my sell = 1.6517

Opps!!! I looked at the wrong candle.:eek::eek:
Now I am only one pip different then your numbers
My bad

Just verifying…since 1.6397 was hit and surpassed on the short, we have moved the SL to BE at 1.6477…is that correct?

at am breakeven now. looks like a good trade. let’s see.

I hate my trading platform! I had set an automated thing (since I had to go to bed before it broke through) I have a 100 pip target pr. week. I’d be in the clear for a week if it wasn’t for my stupid trading software not being able to do simple stuff like: If Price=X then go Short… Anyhow… sorry for the mindless rant. Its just annoying. This would’ve been a good trade.
Its looking good for the rest of you :slight_smile:

it jsut sped past down at candle close. I wan’t able to grab it at 1.6476, so i added the candle length and entered short at 1.6453.

Locked in 157pips on GBPUSD and 92pips on GBPJPY. Good system

i’ve also closed my position with a 75 pip profit G/U on basis that I think we will have a rebound today in the FTSE and Dow.

Edit@836hr GMT: A pat on my back for myself for closing the position earlier, as it would have hit BE. :o

Long is cancelled. Back next Sunday!


IS there any rules for the long cancelation in this case??? when you should void the other side of the trade?
