Sunday Breakout Strategy

For anyone who avoided the stop out the short was profitable this week. I have a + 9R return since I began tracking the strategy pretty much in line with Phils backtest

Yes the system is good! looking at reports back to 2004 from 260 +/- trades only 5 has a profit racio of less than 2, this means that if your SL was 20 then only 5 had a less then 40 pips chance of profit, and the average stays on TP = 6SL wich is very good, even if you have a loss you can always profit the loss, profit the tp (2sl) and even take some extra.

the only thing that could use abit of work up is the SL and monday since most of the time theres double loss because of markets waves!

one more time thanks for this great share phill :slight_smile:

Hi Phil,

Sorry for asking this question again if it has been answered b4.

In the trending mkt, we will follow the rules that you have set, what abt when mkt is ranging, will you bend the rules like take profit earlier or change your SL % or etc etcā€¦:confused:

could you show me a piece of code which make use of the flags?

Will you publish your code?

Are you saying that itā€™s possible to program to read data from IBFX demo and throw orders at another MT4 broker account?

I find that some MT4 brokers donā€™t have weekend pricesā€¦

looks better this way?

  1. find the closest sunday candle and draw a box and SL TP with it
    =====> set inMarket, OSP_Buy_inMarket, OSP_Sell_inMarket, OSP_Buy_inMarket_BE, OSP_Sell_inMarket_BE = false
    =====> after this is done, do not do it again
    =====> this should probably be put in the init module

  2. if the Day=Monday, and 0100 hour candle is just formed
    =====> draw the box with SL and TP
    =====> set inMarket flag = true

  3. if inMarket flag is true
    =====> if Ask price >= OSP_Buy, send in buy order at ask price, with SL/TP, set OSP_Buy_inMarket flag = true
    =====> if Bid price <= OSP_Sell, send in sell order at bid price, with SL/TP, set OSP_Sell_inMarket flag = true

=====> check if current ATR is more than 40% of the weekly ATR(14), if true, remove all pending orders
=====> check if Friday GMT 1200, close all pending and inMarket Orders, set inMarket, OSP_Buy_inMarket, OSP_Sell_inMarket, OSP_Buy_inMarket_BE, OSP_Sell_inMarket_BE = false

=====> if (OSP_Buy_inMarket_BE = false)
==========> if Ask price >= OSP_Buy_BE, set OSP_Buy_inMarket_BE = true

=====> if (OSP_Sell_inMarket_BE = false)
==========> if Bid price <= OSP_Sell_BE, set OSP_Sell_inMarket_BE = true

=====> if OSP_Buy_inMarket = true, and OSP_Buy_inMarket_BE = true
==========> modify the OSP_Buy Order SL to BE

=====> if OSP_Sell_inMarket = true, OSP_Sell_inMarket_BE = true
==========> modify the OSP_Sell Order SL to BE

While we are looking at the backtest spreadsheet that Phil posted in his first post, Iā€™ve noticed in cell G508 the running balance jumps up to $1000 instead of following the sequence. Its easy to fix but it means the final balance should be $2592 and not $3335. Maybe Phil can confirm?

EDIT: Another profitable week even with two losses at the start!

Please explain. In this strategy do you not just enter two trades at the beginning of the week? Once the two trades are stopped out you are done, right? Did you enter a third trade?

I am trading this on GBP JPY as well as GBP USD coz I want to risk more but dont want to put it all on the one currency pair. There are pros and cons to doing this but I am comfortable with it.

there have been close shaves on this strategy, for example, the one on 11/8 would be a double loss, not 6+R, because the price spiked to stop me out at candle high by 1 pip (i grumbed about this then on this thread). you can see if if you go down to 5mins.

And for this weekā€™s trade, some folks were stopped out, asyou rightly mentioned and I was saved by the skin of my tooth by 1.2 pips. folks who didnā€™t get these two trades would be missing the 9R.:slight_smile:

hi Rei, howā€™s the performance off G/J, did you do a backtest like Phil on G/J?

Yeah, that was my mistake. I was figuring up the rate of return for each year and the easiest way was to just plug $1000 into the spreadsheet at the beginning of each year then see what the balance was at the end of that year.

Apparently when I was changing them back I missed oneā€¦ Iā€™ll fix it and post another spreadsheet on the first post. :slight_smile:

I hate it when that happends, but I think the pip variations due to different brokerā€™s price feeds will even out over time. Sometimes they will cause you to lose, but sometimes they will save you when everyone else lost.

Over the course of a year or more everyone should come out about the same. :slight_smile:

It depends on what yourā€™re asking. They donā€™t [I]have [/I]to be pending orders, but the EA would have to be watching for both the long and short orders at the same time, no matter if they are pending order set up in advance or market orders that trigger when price crosses the entry point.

I really never considered doing a video course beforeā€¦ There are so many ripoffs out there and I donā€™t want to be lumped in with all the scam artists selling video coursesā€¦

Selling a book to a publisher is one thing, but I just feel uneasy about selling forex training to individualsā€¦ Iā€™d need about $300 worth of software to make it, so I couldnā€™t give it away for free. Would anyone else be interested in a reasonably priced (around $50) video course that explains my trading strategies, shows me taking live trades, etc.

EDIT: After talking to some people via PM/email we have an answer to my ā€œdonā€™t want to chargeā€ problem. Iā€™m going to make two video coursesā€¦ One will be a 2-3 hour NickB style course teaching people how I trade. This course will be completely free.

The other will be a 5-minute per day video podcast where I run through the trades I took that day and point out what trades to be watching tomorrow. This is basically a signal service (gasp!) for the lazy people that donā€™t want to do the work themselves and will cost a monthly fee. Anything profit above what it takes to run the site and produce the videos will be donated to charity (and the fact that I get the tax write-off is enough compensation to me for my time).

So the lazy people are being charged to cover the production fees and bandwidth/website costs so the rest of the people that want to learn to trade for themselves donā€™t have to pay!

Itā€™s perfect! I donā€™t have to charge people that want to learn to trade for themselves, and I donā€™t feel bad about charging the lazy folks because they passed up the free option to get the easy-way-out.

Nope! Thatā€™s why the stoploss and profit levels are based on dynamic things like candle size and ATR. If the market is ranging then the stoploss and takeprofit levels will naturally get smaller. This means the system should adapt to whatever the market is doing.

Of course that adaption will take a little timeā€¦ Youā€™ll have a few weeks of losses before the ATR lowers itself to the new market conditions, but the system is profitable even with those bad runs so itā€™s not a problem.

I think thatā€™s what has caused the downfall of the NickB scalp line method these last few monthsā€¦ Itā€™s 50 pip SL and TP did not adapt to different market conditions. I need to come up with a way to fix that. :slight_smile:

Phil, this is a good idea, and noone will fault you at all for charging for your time, and even if it were no-for-profit. In fact, any business is for profit.

I think though, that noone can be successful from signals. There is no substitute for training to depart from the animal instinct. there is no substitute for training to sit on your hands!



Just finished writing this EA? and compiled without errors, could someone run it and let me know how it goes? Going to have dinner~


[ Flags ]
goToMarket = FALSE; // signal that Monday GMT 0100 has just been reached
OSP_Buy_Done = FALSE; // to check if BuyTrade has been triggered
OSP_Buy_BE_Now = FALSE; // to check if BE for BuySide has been triggered
OSP_Sell_Done = FALSE; // to check if SellTrade has been triggered
OSP_Sell_BE_Now = FALSE; // to check if BE for SellSide has been triggered

(( Initialization ))

  • find and draw the previous Sunday breakout box

(( Start - looping ))

  • find weekly ATR for current, previous and 14 periods
    ===> if ATR is over 40% of weekly ATR(14), alert user

  • check if price reach 2x the Stop Loss
    ===> alert user if reached

  • if we did not receive the signal to enter the market, lets check the price now
    =====> if itā€™s just passed Monday GMT 0100, set goToMarket = TRUE
    ==========> draw the Sunday breakout box

  • else (means that we have the signal to enter the market)
    =====> if the ATR is over 40, we will not enter market, if less than 40% then proceed below

==========> if buyside trade has not been enterered, check price [[[ !OSP_Buy_Done ]]]
===============> if Ask price is >= OSP Buy, lets enter the trade

==========> if sellside trade has not been enterered, check price [[[ !OSP_Sell_Done ]]]
===============> if Bid price is <= OSP Sell, lets enter the trade

=====> if BuySide has not reached BE price, lets check it now
==========> if Ask price >= OSP_Buy_When_to_BE, then set flag OSP_Buy_BE_Now = TRUE

=====> if Sellside has not reached BE price, lets check it now
==========> if Bid price <= OSP_Sell_When_to_BE, then set flag OSP_Sell_BE_Now = TRUE

=====> if we got the signal to move OSP_Buy to BE, and we are in the Buy Trade
==========> then modify order to BE

=====> if we got the signal to move OSP_Sell to BE, and we are in the Sell Trade
==========> then modify order to BE

=====> if itā€™s Friday, and itā€™s GMT 1200, then lets close all trades
==========> if BuySide is in the market, close it
==========> if SellSide is in the market, close it
==========> reset all flags to false

end if


H4 Sunday (4.33 KB)

When I tried to attach it too my chart I got a ā€œExpert ā€˜H4 Sunday Breakoutā€™ is an indicator and cannot be executedā€ error.

I removed the top line from the EA (#property indicator_chart_window) and it attaches just fine now!

I ran it in the Strategy Tester but just got a ton of ā€œUnmatched Dataā€ errors, but thatā€™s a problem on my end and not with the EA. I donā€™t want to risk screwing up my data so Iā€™ll install a separate copy of MT4 later, build the data from scratch, and test it. Iā€™m working on video stuff right now but Iā€™ll get around to it later if no one else beats me to it. :slight_smile:

I agree! Trading is 80% money management and controlling emotions, and only about 20% actually knowing when to place the trades.

But if I tell people that (and offer to teach it too them for free), and they ignore it and want to pay for signals anyway, thatā€™s not my problemā€¦ If being on Babypipā€™s forums for a year has taught me anything itā€™s that 90% of people wonā€™t listen to that type of advice.

So if theyā€™re willing to buy signals and pay the way for the serious traders learn for free Iā€™m gonna let them! :smiley:

And I know theyā€™re willing, because I get a couple PMā€™s every month asking if I do signals or managed accounts!

I guess I should probably shut up in case any of them are reading thisā€¦ :slight_smile: