Sup new here help me out guys

Hi I am alazar what’s up y’all I need to change my life through trading so I need your help

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I too am new and navigating this space.

Welcome and from what I know which is very little, consistency is the key - a minimum of 20 hours a week to study and apply.


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Welcooome. :blush: Have you checked out the school here? :smiley: It’s a course you can study at your own pace so it’s more about you helping yourself. But since this is a super nice community, I’m sure people would love to help you out if there’s anything that’s confusing to you. :blush:

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Welcome to the community, Alazar. Start with the education section here. It’s the best place to start for beginners. Trading won’t be easy but just keep at it. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

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