Swissquote: Is this a scam or a technical glitch?

Hi , mates . I recently have a big issue with a reputable “swiss bank” . Recently I entered a large trade at the German DAX instrument . And after some days and the position is very profitable . Suddenly my charts’ historical prices are gone . And it is displaying a crazy “gap up” .

What do you guys think ? Is this a scam or just a technical glitch ? Because I’m concern of their business practice , which is a “market maker” .
I know that all investment banks are market makers . Which is just another legitimate broker that can take a little bit of heat against their client’s positions and a little bit of prop trading .

What do you guys think ? :slight_smile:

Cant read the dates on your chart so cant comment about the gap up
Are you sure the historical data hasn’t just scrolled off the bottom of the page because of the gap?
do a right click on the chart and go to properties then to common.
have a play with the scale fix settings and see if it helps
if you un tick scale fix it should keep the prices centred. You can change the price scale to keep it all on the screen but you cant pull the candles up and down.
if you tick the bottom scale fix box you can set the bottom price a lot lower so that the candles come back onto the screen. You can also pull the candles up and down with the mouse.
go to MT4help for more info;
If you google something like yahoo finance charts you can check another chart to see if the gap is there on the same date

Thanks for the help Dallytrader , but unfortunately there are no extreme gap ups in Yahoo Finance charts . I think the chart is rigged , because when I open the 4H charts of the DAXEUR , it is completely normal . I think I’m screwed already .