Synthesis Bank

After having tried several broker, I finally chose Synthesis Bank, especially for their service on the phone (multi language desk) + free TA and great platform.

I just did a couple of trade, simply efficient.:slight_smile:

Any other experience with them ?

they seem whitelabel of saxo. I have used saxo before. saxo bank aint a worthwhile company. they increase spreads, cheat clients, i have lost around near $15,000 due to there gimmics. I wouldnt go near synthesis, would be having same execution.

What gimmicks did they use that caused you to lose 15 Grand?

Why didn’t you close out your account after the first time that you felt that they scammed you?

Very good Questions.
It took around 2-3 Weeks for my Account to get opened with them
What happened, i wired them the money, they say we are waiting for the money, I called my bank every single day, are they sure funds have reached Deutsche Bank - London. My Bank Said yes. I went my Bank, got the SWIFT message, emailed to both Saxo Bank and Deutsche Bank.

Saxo was playing games with me… and giving all rubbish talks… i was just worried from then…anyhow… it was just a big pain, cause i was losing the market to enter when it was a good chance… made me seriously very angry.

Anyhow, I opened account with them, deposited the money, and i was trading.
First of all most of the time there platform dies whenever want to trade sometimes in news, or when it is important.
And when i go to trade, i click like 1.2600 in EUR/USD or something it gives me 1.2603 or such.
And then whenever want to trade when it is important, they increase the spread very much.
They are just big cheaters… First i thought maybe my Computer problem due to platform is having problem… And due to that i bought a Laptop…
I now have 2 Laptop and 1 Desktop PC… I tried in each… same platform problem

So SIMPLE - Both of these bank just are crap, aint worth to use them… Simply… I aint the only person, check it out everywhere… what people say and have faced problems with Synthesis and Saxo

So these were not actual losses then, correct? Just profits that you thought you might have been able to obtain had your account been up and running?

And when i go to trade, i click like 1.2600 in EUR/USD or something it gives me 1.2603 or such.

You realize that if you get a quote of say…

SELL ------ BUY[/B]

…if you go long you will be entered at 1.2603? That is just the way that it works.

You realize that if you get a quote of say…

SELL ------ BUY

…if you go long you will be entered at 1.2603? That is just the way that it works.

NO I think so you didnt get me. BUY WAS 1.2600 and when i click BUY it shows trade of 1.2603

With Synthesis Bank, perhaps they have Saxo platform, but never had any issue to open an account with them, neither any bad trading experience.:wink:

As usual, there is no good and bad brokers, only make your own opinion is trying demo and contact their desk (this last point convinced me when I opened)

Have a good trade …

My friend tried Synthesis and i tried Saxo Bank… both are just rubbish, Synthesis is just like a whitelable of Saxo, using same execution rounds. I am totally away from this Synthesis and Saxo.