For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Clark. That is all.
I am starting this thread as my way of contributing the little that I know about this subject as a way of saying thanks to the community as well as Babypips. If it wasn’t for the few individuals who offered their help, I don’t know where I would be as a trader right now.
If you want to know more about me and how I started as a trader here you go:
(It’s been a couple years since then and I’ve definitely grown up quite a bit, even reading those answers now makes me feel embarrassed)
[B]What is this thread going to talk about?[/B]
I’m starting this thread to share what I know in terms of developing systematic trading systems and how to properly test their validity in the markets. After the basics are cleared up I will go into detail about optimisation and explain walk forward testing. To wrap it all up, I will conclude with portfolio backtesting and optimisation. In further instalments I may or may not go into the technical aspects as to how to actually do what you need to do, the tools/software you made need and any other resources such as historical price data.
I am not much of a programmer (still learning), so there will be very little programming if any, but I can always direct you to resources that I have found that has helped me greatly. I will try to write as concise and detailed as I can, but I’ll apologize now as I’m not much of a writer or talker for that matter. To explain better I will do my best and provide diagrams and snippets that I can find lying around.
[B]In short, the topics I will try to cover are:[/B]
[li]System Design
[/li][li]Requirements for System Development
[/li][li]Backtesting Trading Systems
[/li][li]Initial Optimisation of Trading Systems
[/li][li]Evaluation of Test Results
[/li][li]Factors Affecting Your Testing
[/li][li]Walk Forward Analysis
[/li][li]Risk and Trade Management, Position Sizing
[/li][li]Portfolio Optimisation and Strategies
[/li][li]From Theory to the Applied
[B]What this thread is NOT:[/B]
[li]Purchasing or Reviewing EAs (Expert Advisors)
[/li][li]Promoting EAs (Expert Advisors)
[/li][li]Programming (Unfortunately, I’m not the right person to talk about that, considering I hardly know the difference between a Boolean and Double :P)
As a side note, 100% of what I’m about to share is NOT mine. I didn’t make this stuff up. I’ve just collected what I know and condense it all into one place to help future algo traders. So yes, you’ll see topics covered in books and other websites. Please give credit where its due.
Also, this thread is for [B]SERIOUS TRADERS[/B] and system developers. This isn’t about finding the “holy grail” through social trading mediums such as Zulu or buying some curve-fitted Expert Advisor online or any of that bullcr@p. Automated trading, like any other methodology takes time to learn and implement. At the same time it is resource heavy. so be patient. You’ll get it eventually.
In the future, I might talk about my personal ATS and its infrastructure and perhaps share some of my own experiences but for now I will talk about the core foundations.
That was my introduction.
I welcome all comments (and compliments :D) and it would be great if beginners and experienced traders contribute alike as I still consider myself a student. I have dedicated a good portion of my life already to this subject and I expect many more years to come (I am in Computational Finance in university, so I am kind of forced as well).
Without further ado, I will start in the coming posts.