System for me?

I am new to forex. I cant find a charting platform where I can put in 3 sma’s, RSI etc.:slight_smile:

Every charting platform there is should allow you to put in as many Moving averages as you want.Are you getting errors or can’t you find out how to add them? What platform are you using?


Hi Topgun i entered @ 230.97, as it filled the criteria for the system, cross on the macd, emas’s crossed and the sar is above the candle,

I take note of what you’ve said about not trading friday, lets see what happens … i hope i dont end up agreeing with you. :slight_smile:

Just a side note, looking at the gpb/usd the same setup the pound going down a little. USD/jpy going sideways …Cmon yen.

I exited out right when it started to reverse because of the good new home sales numbers for the US. I am not sure how US news effects the GBP/JPY but obviously good news for the US caused cable to appreciate in this case.


I should have done the same :frowning: , still i do think the pair is still heavily overbought, its gotta go down.

I still think it is going down to because it is in the 5th wawve which should be down. See the links below that I have been following with great interest in case your interested. Also, if you had read anything about gartley it is forming a nice bearish gartley butterfly pattern :). Of course the trick is using a large enough stop loss and having the patience to wait it out for the move. i had one trade last week that went 70 pip against me just to u-turn and allowed me to make abou 90 pips. I like to have as many things confirming the trend as possible instead of just relying on a system.

Daily GBP/JPY analysis @ Forex Factory

Low Risk, High Reward Trading Experiment - Page 209 @ Forex Factory