Tax and withdrawal fee

Hi, i was approached by someone on Instagram telling me about how i can make huge profit in 7 days, so i decided to try it out with R2000, trusting in 7 days i will receive my profit only to find out that i still need to deposit 2600 dollars for tax and withdrawal fee when i asked them if they can debit it on my profits they told me it’s already sent for withdrawal how is that possible?

why would you do that? I’m just curious

you can’t just trust some random stranger on social media saying that they can flip your money for you. That doesn’t sound scammish to you at all?

There are no profits. They have no way of making money for you. Send no more money. contact the enforcement authorities where you live and where they are based. Send no more money.

Expect to be contacted soon by a firm who will say they are a legal practice chasing these scammers and that they will help you and a lot of other people get your money back if you send them some money. Send no more money.

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Who were you approached by?