I’m finally opening my first live account within the next few days…just waiting for the money to get there, and am curious about how taxation (US) works on this. I did some reading to try to figure it out but it seemed to be written a bit too much like…well…tax code. I don’t expect it to have much impact, if any, this year, but for the future I’m looking for a good easy to understand explination. This account will be under $1000 to start so again, we’re not talking huge amounts, but I do know after my last stock sale it did add a bit more paperwork to my tax returns. Thanks and wish me luck in my new venture!
I can’t directly answer your questions, but I know that the webinar I posted about they are going to have a guy on there that is going to answer some tax questions. I believe you will be able to e-mail in and ask questions while it is going on. Sorry I can’t directly help!