Technical Templates Continued

Hello Master Tang.
You’re not wrong there.
They’re low on frills & high on minimalism. That ought to be a very appealing combination to this type of audience.

You hear wrong…as usual
They revoke your entry pass into FX-V again?
Who are you mugging these days? :slight_smile:

They know better than to play those tricks my fair skinned amigo.
My point skills are still in demand in some circles.

I blagged a half decent split deal with a couple of ex-Atalya Cap rogues.
Beggars can’t be choosers cowboy.

It’s a whole new (funding) world out there nowadays. These new slick tongued entrepreneurs got themselves this strange new word. You heard it? It’s called “guarantees” :smiley:
What is it they say about scared money??

I’m reliably informed Aaron Copley is putting a funding base together.
You reckon that will be destined for NewEdge?

lol, in what universe is that rumor doing the rounds might I enquire?

That bit you heard correct, but I think you’ll find Mumbai money is feeding that pot, so I doubt it’s destined for NewEdge.
If that’s the case, (& you can spin your way into that gig) you can kiss adios to a 60/40 on that deal.

Happy Dayz Mahko.

Oh well Daniel, I’ll continue to piss in Murdoch’s pot for now, unless you social cripples can find me a nice fat roll of Krantzy’s $ bills to play with!! :stuck_out_tongue:
My rates, as always, are non-negotiable.

Bullish momentum bias, 5x4 on the pullback

[I]but there’s a full moon risin
Let’s go dancing in the light
We know where the music’s playin
Let’s go out & feel the night……………[/I]

Nice chart mahko :wink:
Neil Young is always a low risk, high probability momentum trigger play, whatever the preferred choice of timeframe.

Hey Kevan,
Good luck with the testing. Any problems or sticky patches, just holler.

As long as all your ducks line up then trade it as you see it. Don’t look too hard.
You’ll find it a pretty cool addition to your longer term model if you already enjoy trading that type of set up!

Hello Tess :slight_smile:

Thank you. I’m officially off & running as of today. Working pairs are set up on the monitors & for the first time in a long while I actually feel in total control of my preparation & trade plan. But if I get stuck I know where to come.

The gbpusd is still exhibiting upside bias. Positive CBI reports over the weekend obviously appeared to add confidence to the pounds clear bullish outlook and I took a momentum pullback long through 1.5755. The cross confirmed the momentum by breaking out of resistance at .8300, so that added confidence by the look of things. It had also only moved up 35% off the day’s open & I could get great risk placement, so it ticked all the important boxes.

I’m assuming there were some good stops to be targeted below .8300 if I understand the guys previous posts?

I found a more detailed record keeping layout example on here than I already had, so I’ll use that to monitor my stats & progress.
I’ll also do you guys the courtesy of updating on my progress every once in a while.

Thank you all again. As is usual with your threads, there’s plenty of extremely helpful, informative information laced with a smattering of light hearted banter.

Have a great week all.

Good for you, well done.

I guess it helps you already got a couple years experience under your belt. That will at least offer some balance & awareness.
The longer you last in this game, the less clutter you need.

Yeah, it’s safe to say there were stops resting underneath that zone. Obviously you toggled back thru July to see the level building a fulcrum.
They had a nibble at it during today’s Tokyo shift by the looks, but it required a hefty London steel toecap boot to give it a kick & send it on it’s way.

It’s important you keep those records up to date. That will give you a feel for how your set ups & triggers are working out in different market phases.

When you’re recording your stats, try seperating the triggers out & name the 1-2-3 as [B]a[/B] or [B]1[/B]…& the mom pullback trigger as [B]b[/B] or [B]2[/B] in brackets next to your entry price.
That will assist in quickly identifying any focus revision you might want to check out as you dial back & forth on your charts.

I’m still following this interesting commentary & ride on the Aussie, & noted Jocelyn’s comments early Friday morning about supporting .8960 into the fix.

Now that price has moved up through last weeks high during the Asian session, inside your next upside zone of interest & eased off today at the 65% range level, I assume stops that were resting underneath .8960 will now be adjusted up underneath .9080

From an intraday perspective, bets executed during Friday, early Asian & early London sessions, will have been pared out here around .9120 & stops also readjusted underneath .9080?
& next upside markers will now presumably be laid at .9270- .9320

My thinking would be that now price has made it to this next upper tier, more buy stops will be layered up to the next zone of interest? & offers will attempt to catch a wave back down through .8960 & last weeks lows?

ps, Hi Tess nice to see your presence, if only fleeting :wink:

yeah, they’ll start to get layered back from .9080 & 9015 depending on the various aims & objectives.
and yes, that upper zone you mention is the next obvious one to watch!

obviously different drivers & influences play their part too, it’s not just buy, sell & profit stops that get top & tailed on a move, but these visible upper & lower swing zones & support/resistance levels will act as barometers of potential strength & weakness up & down the ladder where the stops will begin stacking up.

after a while, when you get accustomed to watching how the action revolves & pivots around these zones in sync with the drivers & influences, you’ll begin to automatically tickbox & mark off the likely reaction levels, especially if a strong current & dominant bias exists.

It gets a little more difficult (to read & trade) & temperamental as price stretches out into tight(ish) range play, until something or other kicks it into gear – but that’s all part of the fun.

No worries vaqueros, I’m safe & sound & my pony is chewing on one of Custers descendants smelly old boots.
We hit a dark patch there a while trotting across the prairie, but the post has appeared in it’s entirety. Still unsure what the delay & redirection was all about. Very Twilight zone-ish huh?

Oh well, best kick on.
Bit of a snore fest (risk-off profit taking) session ticking into tomorrows payrolls gig then yeah! Steady as she goes…

ps; hey metrix?! if you’re scanning the threads, pop in & say Hi. Just ensure you’re travelling light though…if I have to haul you up & scoot you out of here in a hurry I’ll require as little weight as possible…jjay has a helluva palomino on the rope. :wink:

Kinda like a pressure cooker,

Sitting there, all quiet in the corner, and them BAM!!! the lid blows off;)

Sends sleeping greenhorns to the soup line on a regular basis dudinnit?

It has it’s moments & I agree, it still blows it’s fair share of froth off the top when it spikes & jerks around, but I don’t think it does half as much damage to the smaller accounts as it used to.
Most of the commentary you see doing the rounds nowadays appears to take a sensible & common sense approach to positioning & risk rolling into morning of the release.

Yep, most of the commentaries DO take a logical, and sensible attitude.

But that doesn’t mean they are heeded… There’s a lot of Custer descendants that ride into this thing woefully unprepared.

There’s a reason FapTurbo, and Forex Megadroid are still in business;)

Hi again! :slight_smile:

I actually came across this thread a couple of days ago whilst browsing the section & ear marked it for a closer & more relaxed look at the weekend. From what I’ve seen so far it’s going to be an enjoyable read.

The first welcome surprise was the clarity of the technical chart presentation. That’s usually a good sign.

Hi Guys, haven’t posted here in a while….but I would like to run a question past you to do with feeding into a position that I see talked about here regularly and have been recently looking at more closely.

My current strategy has me trigger all in and all out of my positions – and this has been working fine for me.

However I can see benefit in feeding into a trade and have been paper trading this strategy alongside my normal trading in an effort to get a better understanding. I have a reasonable idea of feeding in before a possible continuation break, but am not so sure when it comes to feeding in at a possible reversal point.

With regards to the current set up I have on the Eur/Jpy (see 5min graph) with possible reversal at support zone, is feeding into a position an option here? My usual plan is trade all in at break of (2), however does it make sense to buy in a small position long around (3) in anticipation of a break at (2) when I would buy into full position?

Look forward to your thoughts/comments,

Well, if you scroll out on the last 2-3 weeks worth of data you’ll see that this pair is bouncing inside a clear upper & lower boundary.

There’s no determinable short-end bias or clear influence to offer you a confident pyramid or compound base from which to leg into. When the guys are considering compounding a position, they’re usually looking for pullback legs or momentum breakout legs in which to add to a core stake.

I’m not saying you can’t aggressively compound a range position (if the upper & lower levels offer realistic profit v/s risk potential), but you need price to prove its intent first.

Again, your objectives might be that this type of technical scenario offers you good upside to your risk outlay, & if so then you’re good to trot.

It might make sense to you, but it definitely doesn’t to me because it’s not proving anything to me yet.
If it breaks the current weeks high & particularly last weeks high, it might grab my attention.

This potential move up here off the 1-2-3 might be a successful attempt at pinging price back up the ladder, but I’d need to see a little more conviction first before feeding in a larger bet size.

All in-all out & aggressive trade management at these types of technical zones is a far more comfortable option for me to consider. But you might see it otherwise!

Hey Ryan, long time no see. Hope the markets are treating you well. :wink:

As Mahko said, when you’re taking these types of set ups you need to get yourself seated into a core stake first & allow price to start proving its worth before adding to your bet.

Your initial bet down around last weeks low & the bottom of the range barrier is cool enough. You got a 1-2-3 through c112.90 to get you aboard & decent risk back below the point 3 somewhere around 112.60? to check out the intent.

So, if that constitutes your value seat, you now need the price to honor your bet direction & begin hurdling the first of its barriers back up the ladder if its going to offer a successful outcome.

That would bring 113.20 onto the radar.
If its going to make upside headway it needs to consolidate & clear that hurdle first, right?

From the current days lows at 112.60 there’s plenty of upside average range potential in the tank should it catch a backwind, but it has to get over 113.20 to offer confidence.
If it can negotiate that hurdle, it then opens up the channel at 113.70-90 which represents the days & current weeks highs.

Don’t be in too much of a hurry to fully expose your position before allowing the price action to check out these minor obstacles first.

Good luck with your bet, hope it romps home! :slight_smile:

Hi Tess, thanks, yes I’m ticking along ok here.

As Mahko said, when you’re taking these types of set ups you need to get yourself seated into a core stake first & allow price to start proving its worth before adding to your bet.

Core Stake: are you able to explain this for me a little more? would a Core Stake be 20%, 30% ,50% of my full position?

As it turned out the EurJpy trade just couldn’t break that 113.20 level and after the 3rd attempt I squared up.

So, if that constitutes your value seat, you now need the price to honor your bet direction & begin hurdling the first of its barriers back up the ladder if its going to offer a successful outcome.

Value Seat: do you mean my core stake position?

That would bring 113.20 onto the radar.
If its going to make upside headway it needs to consolidate & clear that hurdle first, right?

Yep, agree with that…it couldn’t clear this level on 3 attempts…and the market proved me wrong on this occasion.

Don’t be in too much of a hurry to fully expose your position before allowing the action to check out these minor obstacles first.

Ok, understand…as I mentioned my current plan has me fully exposed from the get-go, but can see the advantage of getting in a little slower…not rushing things.

Good luck with your bet, hope it romps home! :slight_smile:

…not this time…but I was happy with my entry level, trigger and risk analysis.


Core stake, meaning a base or foundation for your position. It can be whatever percentage you wish to make it & would be dictated by your personal comfort level, objectives & risk attitude.

You’ll see it mentioned more often in the previous threads on & around key breakout & pullback levels where the guys are seeking, & showing typical examples of attempting to take advantage of continuation moves.
Which helps explain why it’s preferable to hang fire a while to allow price the time to reveal its true intent before feeding in more size.
It’s also a procedure more suited to strong directional behavior as opposed to range or confined boundary type play.

If you can establish a base position from which to work off, you can then look to add-in or build a larger stake as the move opens out.
That can take the form of adding to the bet from your primary trading account, or feeding in via sub accounts.

And value seat represents the entry & forward potential. Meaning if you’ve managed to engineer an entry that offers more than acceptable risk in relation to potential upside/downside, then you’re placing the odds on your side more often than not.

Doesn’t matter.
Although you’ll take your fair share of small & annoying scratches & low risk stop outs, the upside is you’ll also get on the right side of more than a few very acceptable odds plays!..very acceptable indeed.