hello everybody, I’m not new, but I want to thank in this way to all of you who keep this site going. Here I’ve learned everything I know and need for trading. I haven’t been active here because during the last 12 month I’ve been busy blowing up my first account :)). I’m laughing now looking back because with what I have learned here I managed to be profitable in the last 3 month and also understood that loosing money is part of the learning process; if anyone is not prepared to loose money for gaining experience he/she better stay aside. My name is Adrian, I’m from Romania, I leave in Bucharest, and I’ll be glad to see other romanian’s here. In our country there are more scammers than serious brokers so people stay away from forex and if they hear you talking or asking questions they say you probably must be mad, you have a disease and you have to treat yourself.
Thank you all for creating this site and keeping it going. Keep up the good work.